It is important to recognize, however, that no one test or test panel can perform all of these activities, as increases in the specificity of a test usually correspond to decreases in sensitivity. Additionally, not all of the clinical features of SLE are mediated by antibodies. The most ...
潜精研思 | SLE患者健康相关生活质量评价工具 一个人的旅行潜精研思 苦心孤诣///在科学探索的道路上,有众多的科学巨人披荆斩棘,铺路架桥,为后人留下了丰硕的知识园地、科学的探究方法及不朽的科学精神。前言系统性红斑狼疮(SLE)是一种累及全身的系统性自身免疫...
The most common screening test is immunofluorescence on rodent liver or human epithelial (Hep-2) tissue, although enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA) are available. In selected populations antinuclear antibodies (ANAs) are a highly sensitive test for SLE, and when Hep-2 cells are used, ...
症为突出表现的弥漫性结缔组织病 对于SLE的诊断和治疗应包括如下内容:1.明确诊断2.评估SLE常规治疗方案3.拟定SLE常规治疗方案4.处理难控制的病例5.抢救SLE危重症6.处理或防治药物副作用7.处理SLE患者面对的特殊情况,如妊娠、手术等其中前3项为诊疗常规,后4项常需要有经验的专科医生参与和多学科的通力协作。SLE...
系统性红斑狼疮 (SystemiclupuserythematosusSLE)On一、th流e行fa病c学e?(Epidemiology)二、病因及发病机制(Pathogenesis)三、病理 (Pathology)四、临床表现 (Clinicalfeatures)五、实验室检查(Laboratorytest)六、诊断及鉴别诊断(Diagnosis)七、治疗 (Treatment)八、SLE与妊娠、预后(Pregnancyandprognosis)SLE的概念 ...
抗核抗体检测时底物细胞显出特殊的染色模式.图示:核膜型(周边型),是大多数SLE患者具有的特点. Sometimes when performing the ANA test, the substrate cells demonstrate particular patterns of staining. This is the so-called "rim" pattern that is more characteristic of SLE....
The ACR/EULAR classification requires an antinuclear antibody (ANA) titer of at least 1:80 on HEp-2 cells or an equivalent positive test at least once. If that is present, 22 "additive weighted" classification criteria are considered, comprising seven clinical domains (constitutional, hematologic,...
The 2025 GMC Sierra 1500 Pro, SLE, Elevation, and SLT pickup trucks come equipped with a 3.0L Duramax® Turbo-Diesel engine, selectable traction modes, and more.
“大病对爱情的考验” The test of love 第一次踏进中山一院大楼,人人从众,到处都是人,到处都是各种排队。“怀疑是红斑狼疮,抽血做个详细的检查,检查结果全部出来预计一周,先开点药你吃。一周后拿结果复查!”医生机械般瞄了我一眼便神速开单叫号“下一个。”根本容不得我多问一句。还别说,医生开的药神效,...
The 2024 GMC Yukon SLE & SLT offers distinguished style, equipped with premium materials, a bold Yukon grille & tech & safety features to take the road on in style.