Independent two-tailed t test was performed on clinical values with CMD and no CMD SLE subjects, and on cMRI values with all SLE subjects and controls. Correlation analysis was done on clinical values, and cMRI values on all SLE subjects. Results Overall, 40% of SLE subjects had MPRI ...
The profile of infections is expected to vary across different geographic regions as per the local epidemiology. Previous cohorts from Spain, Canada, and China have reported high prevalence of acute bacterial infections of the lungs and gastrointestinal and urinary tracts followed by viral infections wh...
European Alliance of Associations for Rheumatology (EULAR) defines active disease as the presence of symptoms, signs, or test results that can be attributed to active inflammation and indicate organ involvement that can be reversed with therapy. 1 The Lupus Low Disease Activity State (LLDAS) consen...
sle治疗进展--陈顺乐.ppt,基本概念 系统性红斑狼疮(SLE)是自身免疫介导的,以免疫性炎症为突出表现的弥漫性结缔组织病。 血清中出现以抗核抗体为代表的多种自身抗体和多系统受累是SLE的两个主要临床特征。 流行病学 SLE好发于生育年龄女性,多见于15~45岁年龄段 女∶男为
Proteinuria/creatininuria ratio (PCR) during the period of exposure to FA or CAP. Bars represent mean ± standard error.n = 5–10 animals/group. *p < 0.05 (ANOVA followed by post-hoc test Gabriel). C57-FA: control-filtered; C57-CAP: control-pollution; NZBW-FA: lupus-fil...
making it a staple piece for every woman's wardrobe. The absence of any discounts or sales reflects the quality and craftsmanship of the jacket, ensuring that you invest in a piece that will stand the test of time. Embrace the timeless elegance of the Short Jacket for Women and let it be...
I'm from Canada. I live in Guangzhou, and have been in China almost 7 years. I am a trainer and manager of schools for children. I consider myself a good person; honest and intelligent, nice looking, patient, interesting, kind and fun to be with. I have a small dog and love anima...
SLE治疗进展PPT SLE治疗进展 基本概念 系统性红斑狼疮(SLE)是自身免疫介导的,以免疫性炎症为突出表现的弥漫性结缔组织病。血清中出现以抗核抗体为代表的多种自身抗体和多系统受累是SLE的两个主要临床特征。流行病学 SLE好发于生育年龄女性,多见于15~45岁年龄段 女∶男为7~9∶1国外患病率为14.6~122/10万人...
Log rank test P=0.0223 狼疮性肾炎的治疗(9) Sequential Therapies for Proliferative Lupus Nephritis: Patient Survival Contreras G et al, NEJM 2004, 350:971-80 狼疮性肾炎的治疗(9) 肺动脉高压 发生率为5%-14% 平均生存时间为2.3年 临床表现活动后气促、胸痛、乏力、心悸、下肢 ...
This additive model is nested within our model used to test independence of sub-phenotype association with SLE-case/healthy con- trol, so we performed a likelihood ratio test. A rejection of this additive model, in favour of the three-level factor model (described in the previous paragraph),...