Next, up-to-date status of the testing, prototyping, and implementation of SLE services over the past few years is presented, as well as plans for adoption of SLE services by a number of space networks and space mission organizations. Finally, efforts to adapt SLE services to support legacy...
quantifying this and following the symptoms over time is challenging. However, there are some shorter assessments that have shown promise for use as initial screening tests for patients who might benefit from further neuropsychiatric testing and support, according to a studypublished inLupus Science & ...
If you need to execute testing or maintenance tasks after the services are already running under cluster control, make sure to put the resources, nodes, or the whole cluster into maintenance mode before you touch any of them manually. For details, see Section 23.2, “Different Options for Main...
A physician in the audience, prompted by the thought of costs and access to these new biologic therapies, then wondered whether the idea of giving such expensive experimental treatments for a very long time (if not a lifetime, since SLE is often diagnosed in young women) would be sustainable...
Anchored in clinical acumen, a detailed history and exam, along with targeted laboratory testing, are cornerstones of lupus flare assessment, with a secondary role of serologic markers, including decreasing C3 and C4 complement levels, and increasing titers of autoantibodies to dsDNA [16]. Initially...
Briefly, positive SARS-CoV-2 testing without symptoms of lower respiratory tract involvement corresponded to stage zero; patients with fever, cough or mild dyspnoea with signs of lower respiratory tract involvement but without signs of respiratory insufficiency were classified as stage 1; patients with...