You have to type the code without using Player.prefix for most player commands after clicking on any NPC when you are using the console window. addperk command is not applicable to NPCs because they rely on the perks that are assigned to them Other Movement Item Codes We will discuss how ...
Unlocks the object (chest, container, door, etc) that you have selected as a target. To select an object as your target, click on it whilst the console is open. Add Perks More Perk Commands You can add perks to your character with the player.addperk command. Select a perk below and...
everything. To unlock a specific object, click on it with the command console open to get the form ID needed for the command. If this command is used on something that doesn’t normally open (i.e., doors that aren’t supposed to open), you can end up opening a path to bottomless ...
Patches ToggleCollision console command to toggle object collision for selected console references Skinned Decal DeleteImmediately delete skinned decals when they're marked for removal (ie. removing bloody armor) Jumping Bonus FixJump height is multiplied by 1% per point of JumpingBonus ...
helplist all commands in console qqqquits the game instantly removeallitemsRemoves all items of selected NPC markfordeleteRemoves selected object from your game resetinventoryReset NPC to original inventory. resethealthRestores targetted NPC’s HP to Full ...
Console The console provides a number of commands useful in tweaking INI settings. The setini command changes values to settings while in-game. Some settings will immediately change in-game, but others will not. These settings will NOT be saved to the INI files unless the saveini command is...
This command will re-enable a target that has previously been disabled (see disable command).Syntax enable Target Command Examples enable This is the only way you can execute the enable command - it will re-enable your selected target. If you cannot select a disabled target (because it is ...
Opening the Console and clicking an item in the world then typing: PlaceAtMe <itemcode> will create an object at the location of the item you clicked. Object codes can be found with the Help command. Type: Help Chest 0 then use the PageUp and PageDown keys to look through the...
Detailed documentation with help and examples for the setactoralpha command in Skyrim on Steam (PC / Mac). This console command sets the transparency of your target.
void EditorLogCritical(object message, bool detailed = false) - Logs a message to the console with a time stamp. - detailed: display the time difference between current and last call. //EXAMPLESKUtils.EditorLogError("Error message: item ID is -1!"); ...