To achieve high detection accuracy we produce predictions of different scales from feature maps of different scales, and explicitly separate predictions by aspect ratio. 在每个位置使用小(3x3)的卷积核(小的卷积核提取特征更精细)预测物体种类和bounding box的偏移 对于不同横纵比的anchor使用不同的卷积核(每...
Learning Rich Features at High-Speed for Single-Shot Object Detection, ICCV, 2019 pytorchpyramidobject-detectionsingle-shot-detection UpdatedDec 10, 2019 Python lars76/chinese-subtitle-ocr Star110 Code Issues Pull requests Optical character recognition for Chinese subtitles using SSD and CNN ...
Predictionson a grid Non-maximum suppressionYOLO:YouOnlyLookOnceSSD:SingleShotDetection... describingthesame person.YOLO:YouOnlyLookOnceTheYOLOmodel was first published (by Joseph Redmon et 智能推荐 ssd : Single Shot MultiBox Detector 作者:18届 cyl 日期:2021-08-08 论文:《Single Shot MultiBox Det...
【论文笔记】FASF:Feature Selective Anchor-Free Module for Single-Shot Object Detection &论文概述 获取地址: &总结与个人观点 本文的工作将启发式的特征选取作为带有特征金字塔的anchor-based single-shot检测器的主要限制。提出应用了online特征选择来在特征金字塔上训练anchor-free...
It's natural to think of building an object detection model on the top of an image classification model. Once we have a good image classifier, a simple way to detect objects is to slide a 'window' across the image and classify whether the image in that window (cropped out region of the...
本文提出adaptively spatial feature fusion(ASFF)方法,该方法在训练过程中学习不同层次特征的最佳融合方法,融合过程中可以过滤掉携带矛盾信息的其他层特征,从而解决学习目标不一致问题。 我觉得这个图画的有点问题,如果是为了避免不一致性影响梯度(ASFF融合模块做到了这一点),那么FPN原始的融合操作应该去掉,也就是图中...
Wind turbine detectionUnmanned aerial vehicleRANSACSingle-shot detectorConvolutional neural networkSimultaneous localization and mappingWind turbines require periodic inspection to ensure efficient power generation and a prolonged lifetime. Traditionally, inspection involves the risk of a person falling while ...
今天为大家介绍一篇CVPR 2018的一篇目标检测论文《Single-Shot Refinement Neural Network for Object Detection》,简称为RefineDet。RefineDet从网络结构入手,结合了one-stage目标检测算法和two-stage目标检测算法的优点重新设计了一个在精度和速度均为SOTA的目标检测网络。论文的思想值得仔细推敲,我们下面来一起看看。论文源...
Object detection has been widely applied in various fields with the rapid development of deep learning in recent years. However, detecting small objects is still a challenging task because of the limited information in features and the complex background. To further enhance the detection accuracy of...
RefineDet是CVPR 2018的一篇论文,文中提出了一个新的single-shot检测器RefineDet,实现了比二阶段方法更高的准确率而且具有与一阶段方法相当的效率。RefineDet包括两个互连模型ARM(anchor refinement module)和ODM(object detection module):前者用于滤除negative anchors来减少分类器的搜索空间,粗略调整anchors的位置和大小给...