Advertisement - Continue Reading Below Men's Health MVP Exclusives Shred Your Arms with This Bodyweight HIIT Workout This 15-Minute Workout Incinerates Calories Burn Calories Fast with This One-Dumbbell Workout This 15-Minute Lower Body Workout Blasts Calories...
Emphasis: Be sure that both arms get equal attention - if one arm is weaker, give it more attention. Lift: Raise the kettlebell to your chest in a straight line. Lower it under control. Repetitions: Perform all prescribed reps on one side, then on th
If you don't have a lot of equipment, this single-dumbbell workout is a great addition to your routine to work your legs, shoulders, chest, core, and glutes.
Single Arm Bent Over Row 10-10-10-10, using heaviest weight per set Hollow Rock 15-15-15-15, using heaviest weight per set * Alternate movements. Bent Over Row do 4 sets x 10 on each arm. BTWB FGB Style: Kettlebell Sw...
You don't need to knock out dozens of pull-ups to build a bigger, stronger back. Grab a bench and work on the single-arm dumbbell row.
This lower-body move could be better than squats Do the fire hydrant exercise glute and core A bent-over row should be in everyone's routine Your expert guide on how to squat properly Here's how to do a dumbbell snatch properly
It’s kind of like a dumbbell, except you only need one—and thanks to its handle, it’s incredibly easy to hold. Though kettlebells may look somewhat unassuming, they lend themselves to all kinds of different exercises. You can use them to make classic core exercises—like roll-ups and...