题目:bridging data and dynamics in single cells through machine learning 时间: 10月10日星期二 11:00 地点:校本部教二楼 309 reports 摘要 part/2 the rapid development of single-cell sequencing technologies provides unprecedented resolut...
Two new techniques now available to explore such inter-cellular transcriptomic diversity are single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) and spatial transcriptomics. This chapter reviews the computational analysis involved in scRNA-seq studies. We list and describe the computational algorithms and software ...
CellType=cellInfo$SubCluster) saveRDS(cellInfo, file="int/cellInfo.Rds") exprMat<-as.matri...
单细胞空间转录组测序:从组织到单细胞 单细胞ATAC测序:单细胞表观基因组学水平染色质可及性 单细胞蛋...
The application of single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) in biomedical research has advanced our understanding of the pathogenesis of disease and provided valuable insights into new diagnostic and therapeutic strategies. With the expansion of capacity for high-throughput scRNA-seq, including clinical sa...
mixtures of RNA up to five human lung adenocarcinoma cell lines pseudo cell需要理解一下:把单细胞的RNA混合起来,或者把RNA直接按比例混合,得到不同配比的“pseudo单细胞”,这种方案适合来评估normalization and imputation。 Comparisons of normalization and imputation methods. ...
单细胞RNA测序Single Cell RNA Sequencing vs. Bulk RNA Sequencing 3876 1 7:35:42 App 生肉|Single cell RNA-seq data analysis with R (2019) 单细胞RNA测序数据分析教程 2万 31 31:32 App 30分钟拿下RNA-seq原理、操作方法、分析方法和应用场景 443 -- 3:15:30 App 单细胞RNA-seq ChiPster 6599...
Single-cell 工作流程OVERVIEW ingle cell sequencing (taken from Wikipedia) 原理 以Nanoliter Droplets方法为例: Highly Parallel Genome-wide Expression Profiling of Individual Cells Using Nanoliter Droplets overview 首先是组织处理得到单细胞,包裹在单个的microparticle里面,而microparticle里面又存有包含polyT的beads,...
然后这些计数被合并成一个单独的矩阵来构建一个单独的SingleCellExperiment对象。为了方便起见,所有cell的元数据都存储在同一个对象中,供以后访问。 library(SingleCellExperiment)all.counts<-rbind(endo.data$counts,mito.data$counts,spike.data$counts)sce<-SingleCellExperiment(list(counts=all.counts),colData=endo...
单细胞RNA测序(scRNA-seq )是一个飞速发展的领域,该技术帮助科研人员从一堆细胞(bulk)水平精细到单细胞(single-cell)水平研究基因的表达状态,从而可以更加精细的刻画科研对象的分子状态(例如细胞图谱,表达特征等)。目前该领域涌现了一大批用于单细胞RNA测序分析的方法,随着越来越多方法的出现,如何选择和组合使用这些方...