【生信技术】测序数据差异表达分析|导入、加载、整理、分析,RNA-Seq数据的差异分析操作,跟着操作你就对了 231 -- 33:57 App Integrate single-cell RNA-Seq datasets in R using Seurat (CCA) 575 -- 12:56 App (字幕)Single Cell RNA Seqencing(scRNAseq)原理 - Finding a cure for DIPG 1028 -- 9:...
练习地址:https://github.com/NBISweden/excelerate-scRNAseq/blob/master/session-trajectories/session-trajectories.md 轨迹推断分析可以帮助我们理解细胞状态的改变的过程,尤其是在细胞分化方面。 上图眼熟吧?是单细胞分析的一个经典的流程。做完聚类后,如果需要你可以做轨迹分析,通过轨迹分析你可以做差异基因的分析,从...
练习地址:https://github.com/NBISweden/excelerate-scRNAseq/blob/master/session-clustering/Clustering.md 之前讲了质量控制、降维,现在这一步就是鉴定你的data里的细胞群。上图就是一个简单的流程图。拿到scRNA-seq 的matrix,这个matrix里含有细胞和features(这里就是基因)。然后你把细胞聚类(clustering),然后你再试...
SinglecellRNA-seqdataanalysiswithR CSC – IT科学中心是芬兰国家和高等教育机构拥有的芬兰信息技术专业中心。为高等教育机构,研究机构,文化,公共管理和企业提供国际优质的ICT专家服务,以帮助客户蓬勃发展并造福整个社会。 每年,他们都会在芬兰和国外举办几门有关不同主题的生物信息学课程。 今天分享的课程是Single cell...
The brief workflow of single-cell RNA sequencing for these orthopedic disorders Full size image ScRNA-seq has four major advantages over bulk RNA-seq in biological research. First, this approach can reveal cellular heterogeneity or specific subclusters; second, it can depict the trajectories of diff...
图片来源:Zhang M J, Hou K, Dey K K, et al. Polygenic enrichment distinguishes disease associations of individual cells in single-cell RNA-seq data[R]. Nature Publishing Group, 2022. 2、通过scDRS分析可以得到什么 第一、鉴定表型相关的细胞类型,比如下图: ...
Figure 1. Schematic of a typical single-cell RNA-seq analysis workflow. 原始数据预处理和比对后获得gene count矩阵后作为本分析流程的开始。 2. 数据预处理 - Pre-processing 数据预处理的目的是获得counts矩阵或者read counts 矩阵,这两者的区别取决于测序时候是否加入UMIs作为分子识别符(molecular identifier)。
Single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq), a technology that analyzes transcriptomes of complex tissues at single-cell levels, can identify differential gene expression and epigenetic factors caused by mutations in unicellular genomes, as well as new cell-specific markers and cell types. scRNA-seq plays...
Antler (Another transcriptome lineage explorer) is an R package providing a set of methods for analysing single-cell RNA-seq experiments. The idea behind Antler is to perform completely unbiased and data-driven analysis to enable the discovery of novel candidate genes and transcriptomic states. Two...