普通的mods,如(衣服、化妆、建材)放入→【package】。有时效性的模组(如剧场动作)需要单独立项重新命名→【剧场动作】。 模拟人生4mod使用方法介绍: 第一步: 如何开始使用下载到的自定义模组(又称CC/Mods)? ①Mods要放进相应的文件夹,具体位置: Documents(我的文档)\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4\Mods ②以前没...
MC(兼容至1.110版本): MC Command Center (deaderpool-mccc.com) https://deaderpool-mccc.com/#/releases 备用链接: 链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1QeTo7I8xLy9gn-S67r7zZw 提取码:65Z6 UI(兼容至1.110版本): UI Cheats Extension v1.34 | Patreon 上的 weerbesu https://www.patreon.com/posts/...
If you have no idea how to use the MC Woohoo mod, here is aMC Woohoo tutorialto help you out. The MC Woohoo is actually a rather useful mod that serves you well if you plan on making the game play rather dramatic. The MC Woohoo also functions as an extension for the MCCC mod by ...
本帖最后由 mengshi11 于 2022-10-31 22:22 编辑 原网址:https://deaderpool-mccc.com/#/releases...
更新1.89后使用Sims4Studio修复升级CC的方法(含皮肤、拉杆、门窗等修复),三宫六院 - 模拟人生|模拟人生3|模拟人生4|模拟市民|www.sglynp.com
Step three Click to installthe mod MC Command Center Bydeaderpool_mccc Mods 7,055,053 Description My goal with MC Command Center is to provide missing story progression to the Sims 4 as well as give the player the ability to fine-tune their playing experience to be more "fun" for their...
1) You need to disable Story Progression for these Sims/Households, so the Game or any other Mod (e.g. MCCC) will move them into Homes. Ingame you can disable Story Progression via the Household Manager. In MCCC > MC Population > Moving Settings > Allow Homeless Move-in > False. ...
调整MCCC中的 年龄时长 调整MCCC中的 怀孕时长 🏌️【先熟悉以下的中英对照,作者的安装说明会依次出现】: 青春期前模组——Preteen Mod、 怀孕——Pregnancy、 猫和狗DLC——Cats & Dogs、 乡间生活DLC——Cottage Living ⛳安装Mod正式教程: ✳️1.根据有无青春期前(Preteen),二选一:■ with Prete...
【模拟人生4】极简mod玩家必备的8个模组 有几个非常小众 | sims4模组推荐 视频中提到的模组 1,BetterBuildBuy https://www.patreon.com/posts/better-buildbuy-99471336 2,MC控制中心 https://deaderpool-mccc.com/downloads.html 3,UI修改器 https://www.patreon.com/posts/ui-cheats-v1-40-26240068 4,Wo...
MC(兼容至1.110版本): MC Command Center (deaderpool-mccc.com) https://deaderpool-mccc.com/#/releases 备用链接: 链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1QeTo7I8xLy9gn-S67r7zZw 提取码:65Z6 UI(兼容至1.110版本): UI Cheats Extension v1.34 | Patreon 上的 weerbesu https://www.patreon.com/posts/...