Clean Occult Types→All Sims Clean Sim Types→NPC市民,已玩过的市民 【3】这部分是清理的重头戏。 Clean Body Types选择如下选项: (1)Puberty Acne(青春期痤疮) (2)Torso Back Bodyhair(后背毛毛) (3)Torso Front Bodyhair(前胸毛毛) (4)手臂毛发(5)腿部毛发(6)青春痘 这六项就是你们恶心的大猩猩毛发...
看看是不是缺这个了Sims4 Community Library
更改了 Decay_Ratio_Friendship、Decay_Ratio_Romantic、Pregnancy_BabyMotiveDecay、MotiveDecay_Sims、Motive...
Upon changing age values in MCCC, mini-me's age meter appears mostly green (assuming that means it's "filled"), right next to the caption "24 days till aging up." It's almost as if what ever amount of time I append to it, it just seems to days of yore for my pixelated pal.....
【SIM4工具】MOD创造工具[TheSims4Group]-制作自己喜欢的东西吧~今天逛3DM的时候无意中发现一个很有用的小工具,特地拿来分享给大家~ 【工具说明】 这是一款可以根据自己的喜欢随意修改物品纹理的工具! 使用方法: 1.解压文件 2.运行S4Studio.exe 3.修改自己喜欢的物品 4.导出即可 by TheSims4Group 4285 模拟人...
I am having multiple issues and I believe they have to do with MCCC & unknown mod(s). notifications about Sim (elderly) deaths, yet those Sims are not dead & I repeatedly get notifications about the same Sims dying - I've had to manually delete all these Sims married Sims in my fa...
The MC Command Center is a mod that adds greater control to your Sims 4 game experience and NPC story progression options. 数据详情 竞争网站0个 数据详情 网站子域名0个 流量来源 地理流量分布情况 数据详情 APPPC排名信息 数据详情 收录量/索引量信息 ...
5 Jamey_124:3WzY82kg Terisa_Finch:9WfM8l0i Rosella_ufx:7d72lKzw Shantaeptoue:wKOD693h June_itd:236JHbGC Diana_lxz:9e9cz8gX Jacque_ojy:5U7B1sPY Otha_837:u014LhdD Stephany_zah:tTYn2X84 Lilasqywn:8PwM8i...
Clean Occult Types→All Sims Clean Sim Types→NPC市民,已玩过的市民 【3】这部分是清理的重头戏。 Clean Body Types选择如下选项: (1)Puberty Acne(青春期痤疮) (2)Torso Back Bodyhair(后背毛毛) (3)Torso Front Bodyhair(前胸毛毛) (4)手臂毛发(5)腿部毛发(6)青春痘 ...
the mc command center is a mod that adds greater control to your sims 4 game experience and npc story progression options. グローバルランク #72,522 game.blog対deaderpool-mccc.comランキング比較 過去3か月の の世界ランキング推移をdeaderpool-mccc.comと比較したり、 の...