If you have no idea how to use the MC Woohoo mod, here is aMC Woohoo tutorialto help you out. The MC Woohoo is actually a rather useful mod that serves you well if you plan on making the game play rather dramatic. The MC Woohoo also functions as an extension for the MCCC mod by ...
If you use MCC Dresser module or MCC Control module, you do not need this mod, they won't conflict but you'll essentially have two mods that does the same thing. This mod was mainly made for those who do not use MCC or the Dresser/Control module but still wanted the ability to fix...
After installing the Mod you need to move your Pets or the Pets you want to “add” as your Pets into another Household. I used a “Dogsitter” Household for that. I recommend to favorite the Household so it does not get culled and maybe stop aging for the Sim via MCC or my No Ag...
Advanced Birth Certificate 23.10.2024 Get to Work Download Download This small Mod changes a few things regarding the Brith Certificate which got added with Get to Work: When sending your Sim to the Hospital to have a Baby (Rabbithole) they’ll get a Certifcate as well, Certificates can be...
Finde Expertentipps, Ratschläge zur Fehlerbehebung, Tutorials für Mods und benutzerdefinierte Inhalte sowie Die Sims 4-Patchnotes.51 Posts Recent Discussions Tagged: Read First [AKTUELL] Schadsoftware in einigen Script Mods
If you had MCC mod and set the sims "no aging", although you removed this mod this option could have been preserved on them. If this is the case, it's easy to change. Put the mod back into the game and click on each sim - "remove the marks"However, if the mod is not the ...
Gameplay Overhaul Mod Burglars, Dine Out, Gardening improvements and more! Support my project to improve The Sims 4's gameplay on Patreon. Check Out My Youtube Channel! We now have aYoutube Channelwith over 50 guides in video format to go along with the huge site I've already created. ...
As long as the Spay/Neuter via Vets is bugged ingame i will not add this to the My Pets Mod. Pets will not give Birth when they are not “at Home”. Best way to let them give Birth is to cancel the My Pets Relationship. Force them to leave the Lot with my Force to leave Mod...
The main mods I use that I believed could cause issues are MCC, Wonderful Whims, and Slice of Life. I have tried taking those three listed mods out of my game, repairing my game, opening older saves to see if it applies to them as well, and creating backups of older saves and in ...