Other Pregnancy > Allow Pregnancy Aging = Enabled Other Pregnancy > Pause Sims Pregnancy = Played Sims Other Pregnancy > Pause on Playable Labor = Enabled Other Pregnancy > Use Traits for Pregnancy = Enabled Partner Sim Selection > Occupancy Preference = Living in Homes Only Partner Sim Selection ...
Click on “Build” once you spawn to pause“Live Mode”so you can complete setting up the challenge. Side Note:The original Sims 4 Legacy Challenge required players to start on a plot at least 50×50 in size. Due to changes to the in-game economy, this rule no longer applies. Step T...
Pregnancy and Multiple Birth Cheats You can use relationship cheats to Try for Baby quickly, and follow up with a cheat once the Sim is pregnant in order to force the Sim into labor. You can also cheat to get twins, triplets, quadruplets, or more! Find this near the end of thePregnanc...
Xenoarchy –Heirs must alternate between human and alien Xenophobic –Heirs cannot be a different species from the founder Brood –Heirs must be carried in a pregnancy by the previous heir, regardless of the heir’s gender Tolerant –The species of the child has no impact on their eligibility ...
You can take a pregnancy test to find out if your Sim is pregnant. Things To Improve The emotions music needs to be played less frequently as it can become irritating. More lots to build with would be nice in future worlds. Everyone jogged everywhere in my game for some strange reason –...
My sim will get phone calls to go hangout somewhere and I'll pause to read or think about if I should accept and the call goes away. Why do the calls stay... - 11239171