Click on your sim after she is pregnant and choose pregnancy. You will get an additional 4 options Set offering, Set stage, Terminate, and Scan. sims 4 woohoo mod can also work as sims 4 baby mods. →Visit:Sims 4 Pregnancy Mods
Note: Young Adult or Adult Sims can get pregnant after WooHoo with Grim, regardless of pregnancy settings set in Create a Sim. If you also ownThe Sims 4 Growing Together, when you have a baby with Grim, you’ll get theHad a Descendant of Grim!milestone. ...
模拟人生4 《男人怀孕 MALE PREGNANCY》 The Sims 4 是在优酷播出的游戏高清视频,于2014-09-26 12:53:56上线。视频内容简介:模拟人生4 《男人怀孕 MALE PREGNANCY》 The Sims 4
Click to open the other Pregnancy Overhaul Parts:Can do more-No Walkstyle-Death Chance Pregnancy Overhaul This Mod changes a few Parts of Sims Pregnancy (Size of Belly, Walkstyle and more), You can freely choose what you want to install! What i changed exactly with this Mod: No huge Pre...
*** Mod Support available via my Discord:
,可以去ta网站下载 ⛏TwistedMexi(betterbuildandbuy等一系列热门mod的作者)说进不去EAapp的界面 所以更新要更慢一点(再牛的大佬在ea的垃圾软件面前也束手无策) ⛏mccc已经有hotfix版本了,可以去官网下载; ⛏社交性模组比如Firstimpression还有interactionandpregnancyoverhaul全部阵亡(意料之中)...
在《The Sims 4》中有三種懷孕或生孩子的方式。 執行「傳宗接代」行動。請確保先與另一名模擬市民建立關係,接著點選床、淋浴間、熱水浴缸或火箭飛船等物品,以顯示「傳宗接代」行動。 點選模擬市民的手機,打開「家庭」應用程式,並選擇「以科學方法製造寶寶」,運用科學的力量單獨或與其他模擬市民一起生孩子。
The Pregnancy Mod. How do you like it? While pregnancy is an important part of Sims life, starting from the 2nd edition, in official versions of the game only women can carry babies. Well, not for long. With this mode, men can experience the miracle of being pregnant too. Great news ...
Mod 4 – Paternity Testing In which Sims can discover who fathered their child, lie, tell the truth, rope another into marriage, reject offspring, and more. Mod 5 – Teen Pregnancy Stuff In which Teen Sims can freak out about being pregnant, make their parents freak out, get support or...
Eye Candy by Arethabee Twistedcat Claire Lingerie Ribbon Dress Pearl Necklace Outfit Set Girl Y2K Room TSR SO_Sany Short Dress WOMEN’S FITNESS SUIT TOP Cheats The Sims 4 Dream Home Decorator Cheats Sims 4 pregnancy cheats Build Mode cheats The Sims 4...