WooHoo Wellness & Pregnancy Mod For The Sims 4 in 2021 The Woohoo Wellness & Pregnancy Mod overhauls various gameplay elements in the game. There are tweaks in different areas such as pregnancy preferences, additional interactions, moodlets during pregnancy, and also effects after birth. This ...
A mod that offers the possibility for Sims to getartificial inseminations,become surrogate mothersor haveanother Sim carry a baby for them. Mod 9: Adoption Lets your Simsput their children up for adoption, via agencies or into the household of friends or family, after agreeing or fighting. Al...
I had a similar issue. I saw on a post somewhere that if your sims have the sporty personality, the phone actions for the pregnancy event do not show up. I removed my Sim's sporty personality trait and was able to complete the phone task. I hope this is helpful....
However, the last version I tried kept causing my sims to reset to think they each were OK, instead of flirty or alluring when I tried to build towards woohoo. So I deleted it and waited for an update to try it again. SnQQpy's mod was announced in the mean time and when I ...
Have you tried only adding one mod in to your folder and testing the game? reimcteare 7 years ago Pretty sure I have, unless I’m getting confused with other times I’ve done it, I will have to try again. Thanks About The Sims 4 Technical Issues - PC Recent Discussions...
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the-sims-4-technical-issues-pc-en":{"__typename":"Forum","id":"board:the-sims-4-technical-issues-pc-en","entityType":"FORUM","displayId":"the-sims-4-technical-issues-pc-en","nodeType":"board","depth":4,"conversationStyle":"FORUM","title":"The Sims 4 Technical Issues - PC",...
the-sims-4-technical-issues-pc-en":{"__typename":"Forum","id":"board:the-sims-4-technical-issues-pc-en","entityType":"FORUM","displayId":"the-sims-4-technical-issues-pc-en","nodeType":"board","depth":4,"conversationStyle":"FORUM","title":"The Sims 4 Technical Issues - PC",...
Anyway- I had my sims try for baby as they both had a wish for another; this will be their 4th (both have surround by childre...","descendants":{"__typename":"MessageConnection","edges":[{"__typename":"MessageEdge","cursor":"MjUuMXwyLjF8aXwxMHwzOToxfGludCw4MjcyMzcwLDgyNzIzNzA"...
{"__typename":"Category","id":"category:the-sims-4-en","entityType":"CATEGORY","displayId":"the-sims-4-en","nodeType":"category","depth":3,"title":"The Sims 4","shortTitle":"The Sims 4","parent":{"__ref":"Category:category:the-sims-en"},"categoryPolicies":{"__typename"...