The notion of broad-scale plant hormone analysis is hampered by the problematic selection of which hormone metabolites should be included in the analysis as some prior knowledge is required. Good candidates are compounds unique to the pathway of interest that play a significant role or which are ...
and not a hint of rain. Thinking it might be only one leg of a rainbow, I search for the rest of it for some time in several locations, but never saw more than this one vertical ribbon. Maybe it’s a ladder rather than an arching bridge. (© image) ...
1, 2). Not only are all chaotic systems (predominantly) deterministic—and thus the possibility of chaos can be automatically rejected if a system is found to be stochastic (though we note that a mathematically rigorous definition of chaos has recently been extended to the domain of stochastic ...
Regulatory gene circuit motifs play crucial roles in performing and maintaining vital cellular functions. Frequently, theoretical studies of gene circuits focus on steady-state behaviors and do not include time delays. In this study, the inclusion of tim
The above definition of complexity is captured by the popular expression:the whole is greater than the sum of its partsFootnote1. An economic example of this would be a group of companies that form the supply chain for manufacturing a product. Together they achieve a result that no one compan...
Sort of your definition of that. [00:15:41] Michael: Yeah, well, you know, going into the book, I didn’t really know what to think. I mean, there are those, you know, like, uh, you know, Ray Kurzweil that, you know, thinks that it’s just right around the corner, some ...
By definition, pleiotropy is a situation in which one gene controls for the expression of multiple phenotypic traits. These traits don’t have to be clearly linked, i.e., eye shape and eye color, but can instead be completely unrelated. In many cases, this multi-trait effect is because a...
LOCUS pUC57-Simple-gRNA backbone 2845 bp ds-DNA circular SYN 06-AUG-2018 DEFINITION gRNA expression plasmid. ACCESSION . VERSION . KEYWORDS pUC57-Simple-gRNA backbone SOURCE synthetic DNA construct ORGANISM synthetic DNA construct REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 2845) AUTHORS Guo X, Zhang T, Hu Z, ...
Abbreviations: aacC1, aminoglycoside acetyltransferase conferring gentamicin resistance; araC, encoding the AraC regulator of expression from the E. coli arabinose operon promoter P BAD ; B1 and B2, attB1 and attB2 Gateway recombination sites; bla,β-lactamase gene conferring ampicillin resistance; FRT...
variation in the data,it would be hard to expect that e.g. UMAP1 explains more variation in MNISTwithin linear definition of “variance explained”. Now we will calculate the variance explained by a few top tSNE and UMAP components. To make our analysis more robust towards sampling of ...