The novelty of the survey is in the fact that the Montbeliard bull semen has been used in the Russian Holsteinized Simmental breeding stock, which is characterized by the herd average milk yield of more than 7.0 thousand kg per cow. Ethology as the study of behavior is applied. The live ...
Maternal lines are very important to us, and we feel that behind every great bull is an outstanding cow family. This year we are rather excited to debut our first Virginia Journey 509K and BLL Tombstone 223K sons. When we set out to add new walking bulls in 2023, our focus was on ...
Physical, chemical and palatability characteristics of longissimus... The results presented are part of a beef 脳 dairy cross breeding experiment in which Simmental, Charolais, Danish Red and White Cattle (DRK), Romagnola, Ch... T Liboriussen,BB Andersen,L Buchter,... - 《Livestock Production ...
A comparison of native tallgrass prairie and plains bluestem forage systems for cow-calf production in the southern great plains. Calves were sired by Simmental bulls. Calving and weaning rate increased over time but did not differ among systems or breed types. System did not ... SW Coleman,WA...
Methods: The materials used in this study were 12 Simmental grade cow with characteristics aged 3 - 4 years, average of weights 399.51 卤 29.97kg, BCS 3 - 4, had normal estrous cycle and had parturition minimum one. The cow were divided into 4 groups; control without mung...
The objective of this study was to determine the effect of calf breed on characteristics of the cow such as milk production, reproduction, measures of condition, weight and changes in condition and weight during lactation. All of the cows were contemporary Herefords that were raised and managed ...
This study was carried out to compare some fertility characteristics of Holstein Friesian (HF), Brown Swiss (BS), Simmental (SM), Holstein Friesian cross (HFX), Brown Swiss cross (BSX) and Simmental cross (SMX) cattles registered in the herdbook system. The fertility reco...
Cow/calf preweaning efficiency of Nellore and Bos taurus x Bos indicus crosses. The objectives of this study were to determine if percentage Bos taurus (0 or 50%) of the cow had an effect on ME requirements and milk production, and to ... Calegare,L.,Alencar,... - 《Journal of Ani...
All Special IssuesBeef Cattle Production and ManagementConservation and Valuation of the Ruminant Local BreedsDairy Cow Husbandry, Behaviour and WelfareDisease Diagnostics and Surveillance in RuminantsFeature Papers of Ruminants 2021-2022Feature Papers of Ruminants 2024–2025Husbandry and Welfare of Young Rumi...
HEMP had pH 48 h and meat characteristics in terms of cooking loss, WBSF, composition and color, similarly to SB (p > 0.05; Table 3). Table 2. Performance of Italian Simmental cull cows fed soybean meal (SB) and hempseed-supplemented (HEMP) diet, n = 26. Table 3. Meat quality ...