Sierra LeoneClick flag to enlargePROFILE Area: 71,740 sq. km (27,699 sq. mi.) Population: 6,018,888 (2016 est.) Population growth rate: 2.36% (2016 est.) Life expectancy: 58.2 years (2016) Languages: English (official, regular use limited to literate minority), Mende, Temne, Krio ...
Sierra Leone - Politics, Economy, Society: The constitution of 1971 made Sierra Leone a republic within the Commonwealth. Adoption of the constitution of 1978 created a one-party republic based on the All People’s Congress; the head of state, or executi
Alan MacDermid
To crown it all, Sierra Leone was the country where Ebola outbreak started in 2014, further decreasing average life expectancy for its citizens. Today, Sierra Leone is one of the world’s poorest countries, which means that having fun playing poker or looking for Sierra Leone approved online ...
下面两个表格表示的是不同国家人的平均寿命和动物的平均寿命,请看这两个表格,然后回答问题.Humans(by country) Age Animals AgeChina 61 Cat 16India 55 Dog 13Japan 78 Elephant 200Mexico 64 Monkey 15Sierra Leone 26 Tige
19930.312140º 19920.305141º 19910.304140º 19900.314140º Sierra Leone - Human Development Index Your browser does not support charts× Sources:UN ‹Seychelles - Human Development Index Singapore - Human Development Index›
Sierra Leone has relied on mining, especially diamonds, for its economic base. It is also among the largest producers of titanium and bauxite, a major producer of gold, and has one of the world's largest deposits of rutile. Sierra Leone is home to the third-largest natural harbour in the...
Sanitation Freetown, Sierra Leone ICF Macro Calverton, Maryland USA July 2009 World Bank This report presents the findings of the 2008 Sierra Leone Demographic and Health Survey (SLDHS) carried out by Statistics Sierra Leone (SSL) in collaboration with the Ministry of Health and Sanitation (MOHS)...
The same methods suggest that the crude death rate for Sierra Leone in 1974 was between 27 and 31 per 1000. Regional variations in infant mortality were marked. Greater Freetown has the highest life expectancy for both sexes. 34% of total deaths occurs to children under 1 year and 51% to...