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Sierra Leone Rebels Contemplate Life Without GunsDouglas Farah
Sowing Terror- Atrocities Against Civilians in Sierra Leone In a report released today, Human Rights Watch condemns the war of terror now underway against civilians in Sierra Leone, and calls on the international community to take emergency measures to end the killings, amputations, and abduction.....
In Western Africa a family planning education program has been developed to enable young people to gain healthy attitudes toward themselves and their sexuality. A pilot program was started in the early 1980s at selected schools in Sierra Leone and the Gambia. Teachers have been trained at workshop...
“For over 100 years, our schools have produced some of the most influential leaders in the Black community,” she shares. “Our hope and our progress rest on the shoulders of these leaders and the innovation of today’s graduates. Tonight, we celebrate and we honor them.” ...
184Sierra Leone55.9256.7855.01 185Nigeria55.7556.7554.80 186Lesotho55.6558.9052.52 187Chad55.1756.6553.73 188Central African Republic54.3656.5852.16 Small Nations and Territories CountryAvg.WomenMen Monaco86.788.784.9 Macao84.787.681.7 San Marino83.085.790.5 ...
Introduction: Everyday Life in Postwar Sierra Leone Peace begins when people find violence the worst threat of all. With this, the fears and beliefs in force wane and support for violent solutions withers as a search for creative non-aggressive solutions waxes. This isn't merely a politic......
LESierra Leone Leone(national currency) LELanguage Environment LELine Engraved(philately; Victorian-era style stamps) LELeucine-Enkephalin(opioid peptide neurotransmitter) LELateral Epicondylitis LELicensed Embalmer LELeft Engine LELatest Estimate LELeukocyte Esterase ...
Sierra Leone: Chapter 5B. Religious LifeIrving Kaplan