Currently:34 °C. Sunny. (Weather station: Mamou, Sierra Leone).See more current weather Annual Weather Averages in Kabala Kabala is 94 kilometers from Makeni, so the actual climate in Makeni can vary a bit. Based on weather reports collected during 2012–2021. ...
Clear. (Weather station: Mamou, Sierra Leone). See more current weather × Annual Weather Averages in Kissidougou Kissidougou is 82 kilometers from 9°04'42.5"N, 10°50'28.3"W, so the actual climate in 9°04'42.5"N, 10°50'28.3"W can vary a bit. Based on weather reports collected...
Cohort Life Expectancy - The average length of life remaining at a given age, experienced by people born in the same year. For example, cohort life expectancy at age 65 years in 2014 would be worked out using the mortality rate for age 65 years in 2014, for age 66 years in 2015, for...
该数据的历史最高值出现于12-01-2001,达0.001EUR/SLL,而历史最低值则出现于12-01-2017,为0.000EUR/SLL。CEIC提供的SL:官方利率:期内平均:欧元对本国货币数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于International Monetary Fund,数据归类于Global Database的塞拉利昂 –表 SL.国际货币基金组织.国...
Currently:25 °C. Fog. (Weather station: Lungi, Sierra Leone).See more current weather Annual Weather Averages in Lungi Lungi is 49 kilometers from 9°02'17.3"N, 13°18'01.9"W, so the actual climate in 9°02'17.3"N, 13°18'01.9"W can vary a bit. ...