Keywords:Fouriertransforminfrared(FTIR)spectroscopy;fusedsilica;Si―OH;measurementdynamicrange DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1003-501X.2017.10.008Citation:Opto-ElecEng,2017,44(10): 997−1003 1 引 言 Si―OH 是熔石英材料中的一种常见缺陷,对光学 性能和材料的结构有极大影响。在紫外石英中,Si― OH 键可以降...
PL、FTIR、XPS、AFM和电子顺磁共振等实验方法得出多孔硅表面有 Si—H“x=1,2,3)、OySiH,(x=1,2;y=2,3)、si(o聊:、Si02等结构,即多孑L硅中存 在O和H原子;其中文献【13]通过FTIR光谱和PL光谱得出多孑L硅氧化后形成 了Si/Si02界面,文献[14]中通过电子顺磁共振光谱和Rutllerfordbackscattering ...
Raman spectroscopy, infrared spectroscopy, FTIR, water speciation, silicate glasses, band assignmentThe position of the infrared absorption band near 4500 cm-1 shifts from 4520 to 4440 cm-1 as the Al co...
Crystal-structure and FTIR spectroscopy of synthetic Na(NaMg)Mg5Si8O22(OH)2, a P21/m amphibole Na(NaMg)Mg_5Si_8O(OH)_2 is an interesting amphibole composition never found in nature, which has been the object of much experimental work (Maresch and Langer, 1976; Raudsepp et al., 19...
In situ FTIR spectroscopyhigh-pressure behavior of three syntheticamphiboles crystallized with space group P21/m at roomconditions in the system Li2O–Na2O–MgO–SiO2–H2Ohas been studied by in situ synchrotron infrared absorptionspectroscopy. The amphiboles have compositionsANa B(NaxLi1 ¡ xMg1) ...
The presence of two types of OH group in the dovyrenite structure is corroborated by FTIR and Raman spectroscopy. Dovyrenite is an optically positive biaxial mineral: α 1.659(2), β 1.660(2); γ 1.676(2); 2Vz 30(5)° (measured), 28° (calculated). The coexistence of monticellite,...
Nyfeler, D., Hoffmann, C., Armbruster, T., Kunz, M., and Libowitzky, E. (1997) Or- thorhombic Jahn-Teller distortion and Si-OH in mozartite, CaMn3+O[SiO3OH]: A single-crystal X-ray, FTIR, and structure modeling study. American Min- eralogist, 82, 841-848....
crystal-structureFTIR and Raman spectroscopyIn this work we report on a complete crystal-chemical characterization of a near end-member riebeckite from Malawi, and use the available data to critically compare information obtained from different analytical methods. The sample occurs as well-formed and...
B. (2005). A systematic study of OH in hydrous wadsleyite from polarized FTIR spectroscopy and single- crystal X-ray diffraction: Oxygen sites for hydrogen storage in Earth's interior. Am. Mineral. 90, 61-70.Jacobsen, S.D., Demouchy, S., Frost, D.J., Ballaran, T.B., and Kung,...