图2 为不同温度下的XRD、FTIR、XPS图 (a-c)为XRD图(b)为FTIR图 (c)为XPS全谱(d-f)分别为Al 2p,O 1s,C 1s的高分辨XPS图谱 图3 三种氢氧化铝粉末的光学照片、UV-Vis吸收光谱、PL激发光谱、EPR光谱、时间-PL衰减图及发光机理简图 (a)三种氢氧化铝粉末(AlOH-300°C, AlOH-320°C, and AlOH-340°...
采用傅里叶红外吸收光谱(Fourier TransformInfrared Spectrometer,FTIR)来表征颗粒表面官能团的变化情况,仪器型号为 Bruker Vertex 70,扫描范围为 3 500~500 cm-1。采用扫描电子显微镜(Scanning Electron Microscope,SEM)对 Al2O3-AlN复...
Figure 2 Acid properties and microscopy characterizations of fresh and spent AlPO4catalysts. FTIR spectra of pyridine adsorption (a), NH3-TPD profiles of fresh and spent AlPO4(b), TEM, SAED and EDS mapping images of fr...
Fig. 12 FTIR spectra of products after 120 min The growth mechanism of Al(OH)3 prepared with these four catalysts is proposed in Fig. 13. The oxide film on the aluminum is first destroyed and removed by the alkaline catalyst, and then the reaction of aluminum with water leads to the for...
因此,本文采用电化学表征手段(图4),如CV测量与原位电化学石英称重(EQCM),确认了超浓电解液体系下存在Al3+与H+的共同嵌入现象。并且通过离位XPS(图3), FTIR(图2d)等表征手段确认了H+的嵌入方式与Al3+不同,主要为在SWCNT表面形成含氧官能团,如-OH,COOH等。
图3 C(-A)-S-H在各种Ca/Si(a:Ca/Si = 0.8,b:Ca/Si = 1.2)和Al/Si(0-0.3)比下的FTIR 图4 C-A-S-H的化学结构(绿色圈:钙离子;蓝色四面体:SiO4−;红色四面体:AlO4−) 图5 微观力学性能的幂律分布拟合:(a)压痕模量;(b)弹性模量:(c)硬度;(d)徐变模量 ...
FTIR has been used to study the surface hydroxyl structures, the metal sulfide structures, and the acidic properties of Mo/Al2O3-based hydrotreating catalysts. The investigations of the functional group of the catalyst have been complemented by probe molecule studies using NO and pyridine. The dif...
因此,本文采用电化学表征手段(图4),如CV测量与原位电化学石英称重(EQCM),确认了超浓电解液体系下存在Al3+与H+的共同嵌入现象。并且通过离位XPS(图3), FTIR(图2d)等表征手段确认了H+的嵌入方式与Al3+不同,主要为在SWCNT表面形成含氧官能团,如-...