Fig. 12 FTIR spectra of products after 120 min The growth mechanism of Al(OH)3 prepared with these four catalysts is proposed in Fig. 13. The oxide film on the aluminum is first destroyed and removed by the alkaline catalyst, and then the reaction of aluminum with water leads to the for...
其中,(h)300℃,(i)320℃, (j)340℃,小图为相应的选区电子衍射图 图2 为不同温度下的XRD、FTIR、XPS图 (a-c)为XRD图(b)为FTIR图 (c)为XPS全谱(d-f)分别为Al 2p,O 1s,C 1s的高分辨XPS图谱 图3 三种氢氧化铝粉末的光学照片、UV-Vis吸收光谱、PL激发光谱、EPR光谱、时间-PL衰减图及发光机理简图 ...
FTIR spectrum of ATH40 and AMH20 nanoparticles and MFC films with and without the addition of 0.15 wt% nanoparticles Full size image The FTIR spectrum of pure MFC film shows typical cellulose bands: A broad band at ~ 3323 cm−1 for hydrogen bonded OH stretching, at ~ 2892 cm...
在超声波条件下,用化学共沉淀 法合成了Al掺杂纳米Ni(OH)2.用SEM,XRD以及FTIR等技术表征了样品的粒径,晶形及红外光谱特征;用循环伏安法测试了样品的电化学性能; 研究了以样品为正极活性物质制作的Cd/Ni电池的循环性能.结果显示:Al掺杂Ni(OH)2为α型,平均粒径约为10~20nm;样品中存在多类O— H键及可能存在...
Chemical compositions and surface morphologies of the coatings were examined using X-ray diffraction (XRD), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and field-emission scanning electronic microscopy (FESEM). Results indicated that the composite coatings ...
The synthesized nano powders were investigated by X-ray diffraction (XRD), fourier transform infrared (FTIR), transmission electron microscope (TEM) and scanning electron microscope (SEM). The crystallite size was also calculated using XRD data by Scherrer equation. Effect of temperature up to 1000...
On the basis of our FTIR observations and Coulombic energy estimation, a "stick-lying" model for nitrate arrangement has been proposed, which is apparently superior to a "tilt-lying" model reported previously. The saturated charge density of the brucite-like layers for the "stick-lying" nitrate...