(of a word or phrase)not written with a hyphen. 'Only one-word unhyphenated whole numbers are permitted, and no number may be repeated. ' 'She travels to Chennai as regularly as Spivak to Kolkata and, like many of these global scholars, inhabits something inclusive and unhyphenated that ...
The expressions "central bank" and "interest rate" are well understood, and are not normally hyphenated. There is a theoretical ambiguity in the combined expression "central bank interest rate", since it could grammatically mean either the interest rate associated with the central bank (as it nor...
“The general rule is that while the two sounds may be assimilated, the place in the word of the assimilated sound is retained, leading to a doubling of the consonants. So for 'commingled', you needone 'm' for the prefix and another for the root(i.e. con + mingle = 'commingled'),...
Indicate with a YES if modifiers should be hyphenated or a NO if they should not be hyphenated. 23. The 6 month old baby drowned Wednesday.A) YesB) No24. The story about the old yellow dog is a sad one.A) YesB) No25. She is a part time worker.A) YesB) No26. Steve works ...
yes, hyphenation can impact the word count in a document. when a word is hyphenated, it is counted as two words, as the hyphenated part is considered a separate entity. therefore, hyphenation may slightly increase the word count in longer documents. can i use hyphenation in email signatures?
All numbers from twenty-one through ninety-nine are hyphenated in written communication. This might not be the case according to certain style guides though. In a sentence: John just launched a cheat sheet with ninety-nine ideas to boost organic traffic. ...
loremIpsum.hyphenated()// => a justified & hyphenated NSAttributedString object .superscripted(font:) / .subscripted(font:) / .superAndSubscripted(font:) Superscript and/or subscript part of your strings with the structures^{superscripted text}and_{subscripted text}. ...
Generally, common fractions (simple fractions) should be written out and hyphenated: Two-thirds One-fourth Three-fifths Mixed fractions are commonly expressed as decimals to avoid confusion: 7.5 (instead of “seven and one-half” or “7 1/2”) 10.75 (instead of “ten and three-fourths” ...
9.copywriter= one word, but 10.copy-editor(andcopy-edit) = hyphenated. However, I note that theNew Oxford Spelling Dictionarysayscopy-editbutcopy editor(two words), whilst the New Oxford Dictionary for Writers and Editors hyphenates both. TheOxford Dictionariesonline do the same as the former...
So you’re advertising illegal or, at least unethical, services. And what do you sell? SEO optimization. On a site with a hyphen in the URL, when the unhyphenated name is available. So you seem to be unethical *and* incompetent. ...