ahyphenate 用连字符号连接[translate] aintelligible 可理解[translate] aEnd application is probably nuclear reactor cables that must withstand extreme conditions possibly even a meltdown. 结尾应用大概是必须可能承受极端状态平衡熔毁的核反应堆缆绳。[translate] ...
esc("foo")//-> "<div>foo</div>" string.hyphenate("fooBar") //-> "foo-bar" string.underscore("fooBar") //-> "foo_bar" CopyOperate on any data type with can-reflect:import { Reflect } from "can"; // Test the type: Reflect.isBuiltIn(new Date()) //-> true ...
hyphenate-limit-chars hyphens inset margin-block-start & margin-block-end margin-inline & margin-block margin-inline-start & margin-inline-end mask-image max-block-size max-inline-size min-block-size min-inline-size CSS Nesting orphans overflow-wrap padding-block-start & padding-block-end paddi...
hyphenate-character hyphenate-limit-chars hyphens inset margin-block-start & margin-block-end margin-inline & margin-block margin-inline-start & margin-inline-end mask-image max-block-size max-inline-size min-block-size min-inline-size
Iterate through an array or object. can.esc(str) Escapes a string for insertion into HTML. can.extend([deep], target, ...obj) Merge objects together. can.getObject(name, roots, add) Gets an object from a string. can.hyphenate(str) Adds a hyphen before each uppercase letter and convert...
What stands out at the most obvious level is that Price reiterated the US policy in the recent decades since the Cold War ended to “de-hyphenate” Washington’s relationships with India and Pakistan while also promoting a normal relationship between the two South Asian rivals who are not on ...
If a feature you're looking for is not available on the site, you canvote to have it included. Better yet, if you've done the research you can evensubmit it yourself! Third party tools The CanIUse Embed — Add support tables to your site ...
{{hyphenate}}Replace spaces in a string with hyphens.Paramsstr {String} returns {String}Example{{hyphenate "foo bar baz qux"}} <!-- results in: "foo-bar-baz-qux" -->{{isString}}Return true if value is a string.Paramsvalue {String} returns {Boolean}...
To reach the younger cohort, a tie-up with the Ziegler sisters, each who command millions of followers across social media, is meant to transcend the “multi-hyphenate hustle” of Gen Z, Brommers said, nodding to the stars’ multiple career advances following their run on “Dance M...
Thank you, the webpack article looks promising. After webpack build I how have this error in chrome dev tools on frontend: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'replace' of undefined at hyphenate (uikit-core.js:29) at Function.UIkit.component (uikit-core.js:3382) at eval (uikit.js...