The Sequence Read Archive (SRA), the world's largest database of sequences, hosts approximately 10 petabases (1016 bp) of sequence data and is growing at the alarming rate of 10 TB per day. Yet this rich trove of data is inaccessible to ... MN Bernstein,AH Doan,CN Dewey - Oxford ...
Malachi GriffithAmerican Cancer SocietyLeinonen R, Sugawara H, Shumway M: The sequence read archive. Nucleic Acids Res 2011, 39:D19-D21.Leinonen R, Sugawara H, Shumway M: The sequence read archive. Nucleic Acids Res 2011, 39(suppl 1):D19-D21....
Title page The title page should: present a title that includes, if appropriate, the study design e.g.: "A versus B in the treatment of C: a randomized controlled trial", "X is a risk factor for Y: a case control study", "What is the impact of factor X on subject Y: A systema...
Description Shows the date and time when the record was created. DisplayName Created On IsValidForForm True IsValidForRead True LogicalName mspp_createdon RequiredLevel None Type DateTime CanChangeDateTimeBehavior True DateTimeBehavior UserLocal Format DateAndTime ImeMode Inactive SourceTypeMask 0mspp...
For tool developers, there is still room for improvement of SV detection from short read sequence using more sophisticated approaches, as well as opportunities to incorporate long read or linked read data. Unfortunately, the development of such tools is hampered by the scarcity of comprehensive benc...
1a). The barcodes can be generated physically (from linked-read sequencing) or virtually (from long-reads; Methods). The core algorithms of Pangaea are designed to reduce the complexity of metagenomic sequencing data (for high- and medium-abundance microbes) and deal with the uneven abundances ...
🐛 Bug Report Hi. We have your Foundry VTT felddy docker image installed on a Synology 16+ server. We have 0.7.5 installed. We began to update to the latest 0.7.7, but the docker installation stops after just a few seconds. To Reproduce S...
Datasets associated with this study can be found in the short-read archive (SRA) database ( under BioProject accession PRJNA878827. Conflicts of Interest The authors declare no conflict of interest. References USDA NASS. Soybeans County Maps. Available online: www...
The raw sequence data are available at NCBI Short Read Archive (SRP005151). The 13 mtDNA genome gene sequences of R. balthica were used as reference to calculate transcript coverage, which was found to range between 5x for the ND4L gene up to 989x for COIII, with a mean coverage of ...