从课文 Sharks: Dangerous or Endangered?中选出合适的单词, 用其正确形式补全短文。已给出每个单词的首字母。with big teeth, and they work together to hunt. From childhood, people read stories such as People are often 'f of wolves because they are fast, intelligent animals The Three Little Pigs ...
升到水面;th e great whit e shark as a dangerous animal.浮出水面Peopl e hav e always been scared⑧of sharks,but Jaws mad e things worse③in fear 惊恐地It mad e peopl e frightened of sharks, especially of th e great whit e shark[3]④scen e n. 镜头;片段;场面Many peopl e who saw...
SHARKS: DANGEROUS OR ENDANGERED?鲨鱼:危险动物还是濒危动物?1. We see a woman swimming at night in a dark sea. Suddenly, she is pulled underwater. She surfaces, cries in fear, then disappears forever. This is the opening scene from the 1975 film Jaws, showing a shark attack. It tells t...
-, 视频播放量 395、弹幕量 0、点赞数 19、投硬币枚数 8、收藏人数 12、转发人数 2, 视频作者 爱学英语的Vivian, 作者简介 只是一个爱学英语的孩纸罢了,愿我的视频能够带给路过的你一些帮助,最重要一点(不喜欢请划走,不要喷我,都也不容易),相关视频:高中英语外研版
-, 视频播放量 260、弹幕量 0、点赞数 2、投硬币枚数 0、收藏人数 4、转发人数 1, 视频作者 Christina是靖靖呀, 作者简介 lovejingjing2345,相关视频:新外研2019高中英语选修一第三单元faster higher stronger阅读课 The road to success,新外研原创高中英语必修二第四单
根据第一段最后一句“It strengthened people's long-held idea of the great white shark as a dangerous animal.(它强化了人们长期以来认为大白鲨是一种危险动物的看法。)”可知,电影《大白鲨》不是改变了而是强化了人们长期以来对鲨鱼是危险动物的看法,选项C是错误的。文章的第一段介绍了电影《大白鲨》的主题...
2 Read the passage and find out how sharks are described in the film Jaws.阅读这篇文章,找出电影《大白鲨》中对鲨鱼的描述。SHARKS: DANGEROUS OR ENDANGERED?鲨鱼:危险动物还是濒危动物?Ve see a woman swimming at night in a dark sea. Sud-我们看到一个女人夜晚在漆黑的海水里游泳。突然,denly, she...
Unit6UnderstandingideasSharksDangerousorendangered说课稿-2024-2025学年外研版高中英语(2019)必修第一册主备人备课成员课程基本信息1.课程名称:Unit6UnderstandingideasSharksDangerousorendangered 2.教学年级和班级:外研版高中英语必修第一册 3.授课时间:2024-2025学年 4.教学时数:1课时核心素养目标分析本节课旨在培养...
通过观察两幅不同形象的鲨鱼图片,引出主题dangerous or endangered。 设计意图:激活学生已有的语言、知识背景,同时补充了相关词汇,也为课末的写作提供依托,还激起了学生的学习兴趣。 2 通读全文,完成段落大意搭配 (tips: 1. First read the main idea...