Unit+6+Sharks_Dangerous+or+Endangered_课件-Unit 6 Earth First SHARKS: DANGEROUS OR ENDANGERED Pre-reading Watch and think: What do you think of sharks? dangerous adj. 危险的 powerful adj. 强大的 endangered adj. 濒危的 interesting man-eating adj. 吃人的 terrifying adj. 可怕的 cute intelligent...
Unit 6 Sharks_Dangerous or Endangered_课件-2022-2023学年高中英语外研版(2019)必修第二册 下载积分: 100 内容提示: SHARKS: DANGEROUS OR ENDANGERED Unit 6 Earth First 文档格式:PPTX | 页数:13 | 浏览次数:641 | 上传日期:2023-03-21 11:32:34 | 文档星级: SHARKS...
Unit 6 Earth first Sharks: dangerous or endangeredWhich words would you use to describe sharksdangerouspowerfulendangere
Unit6Sharks-dangerousorendangered课件34张--2021-2022学年高中英语外研版必修第二册.pptx,PowerPoint 演示文稿;PowerPoint 演示文稿;PowerPoint 演示文稿;Can you think o;PowerPoint 演示文稿;PowerPoint 演示文稿;PowerPoint 演示文稿;PowerPoint 演示文稿;PowerPoint
Understanding ideas structure Sharks: dangerous or endangered Para.1 & Para.2 Para.3 & Para.4 Para.5 Sharks were considered as dangerous animals Sharks were considered as endangered animals More people want to protect sharks Fast-reading Detailed-reading: underline the important phrases and ...
新外研课件高中英语选修一Unit2 onwards and upwards 阅读 three days to see假如给我三天光明 1005 0 00:33 App 新外研高中英语原创课件必修三第六单元小阅读 Stars after the storm 174 0 00:23 App 新外研课件高中英语选修一Unit2 onwards and upwards 阅读 three days to see知识点 3119 1 00:41 App...
SHARKS:DANGEROUS OR ENDANGERED ?dangerouspowerful endangeredinterestingman-eatingterrifyingcuteintelligenthugeMore:___ Prediction: What does the author think of sharks? finThink about To clarify the author’s view, writing purpose by prediction and skimming.Learning objectives:1To analyze changes of attitu...
SHARKSSHARKSDangerousorendangered? lead-in What’syourimpressionaboutsharks? dangerouspowerfulinterestingman-eatingterrifyingcuteintelligenthugeendangered DangerousorEndangered? Whatisthetype(体裁)ofthepassage?Howmanypartscanthepassagebedividedinto?Pleasegetthemainideaofeachpart.Trytodrawastructurechart(结构图). Ski...