1defsftp_get_dir(self, remote_dir, local_dir):2t = paramiko.Transport(sock=(self.ip, 22))3t.connect(username=self.username, password=self.password)4sftp =paramiko.SFTPClient.from_transport(t)56#获取远端linux主机上指定目录及其子目录下的所有文件7all_files = self.__get_all_files_in_remote...
#---获取本地指定目录及其子目录下的所有文件---def__get_all_files_in_local_dir(self, local_dir):#保存所有文件的列表all_files =list()#获取当前指定目录下的所有目录及文件,包含属性值files =os.listdir(local_dir)forxinfiles:#local_dir目录中每一个文件或目录的完整路径filename =os.path.join(loc...
getMessage() + ": " + fileNames[i]); return false; } } return true; }); } else { return false; } } } 该工具类用来创建一些临时目录和文件,供测试类调用。 5、SftpTestConfig配置类 代码语言:javascript 代码运行次数:0 复制Cloud Studio 代码运行 @TestConfiguration public class SftpTestConfig...
command-type [ get | put ] get: downloads files. put: uploads files. Configure the user name. user-name username - Configure the password password Enter password: Confim password: - Configure the IPv4 address or host name of the SFTP server. host-addr-ipv4 host-address - (Op...
command-type [ get | put ] get: downloads files. put: uploads files. Configure the user name. user-name username - Configure the password password Enter password: Confim password: - Configure the IPv4 address or host name of the SFTP server. host-addr-ipv4 host-address - (Op...
我们在 4.1 版中添加了其他方法,包括 。 它提供了对底层的访问,从而允许访问低级API。getClientInstance()ChannelSftp 版本5.0 引入了该方法。 此方法允许在同一线程边界的范围内调用多个调用。 当您需要执行作为工作单元的多个高级操作时,这很有用。 例如,将其与命令实现一起使用,其...
uploadFileBig() 上传方法 filesUtil 类里 publicMap<String,Objects>uploadFileBig(MultipartFilefile2,intpartNumber2,intcountNumber,FileInfofileInfo){FilePartInfofilePartInfo=fileStorageService.uploadPart(fileInfo,partNumber2,file2,(long)file2.getSize()).setProgressListener(newProgressListener(){@Overridepublic...
Operation ID: OnUpdatedFiles This action has been deprecated. Please use When files are added or modified (properties only) instead. This operation triggers a flow when a file is added or modified in a folder. This trigger will only fetch the file metadata. To get the file content, you ...
Operation ID: OnUpdatedFiles This action has been deprecated. Please use When files are added or modified (properties only) instead. This operation triggers a flow when a file is added or modified in a folder. This trigger will only fetch the file metadata. To get the file content, you ...
get remotefile [ localfile ] 可选 上传本地的文件到远程SFTP服务器 put localfile [ remotefile ] 重命名SFTP服务器上的文件 rename remote-source remote-dest 退出SFTP客户端视图到系统视图 bye bye,exit和quit三条命令的功能相同 exit quit 显示相关命令的帮助信息 help [ all | command-name...