[ftp] get switch.bin # 执行quit命令中断FTP连接,退回到用户视图下。 [ftp] quit <Sysname> # 下载完毕后,用户可以通过命令boot boot-loader来指定下载的程序为下次启动时的应用程序,然后重启交换机,实现交换机应用程序的升级。 <Sysname> boot boot-loader switch.bin ...
df [-hi] [path] Display statistics for current directory or filesystem containing 'path' exit Quit sftp get [-P] remote-path [local-path] Download file help Display this help text lcd path Change local directory to 'path' lls [ls-options [path]] Display local directory listing lmkdir pa...
The third usage format allows sftp to start in a remote directory. The final usage format allows for automated sessions using the -b option. In such cases, it is necessary to configure non-interactive authentica- tion to obviate the need to enter a password at connection time (seesshd(8)an...
get: downloads files. put: uploads files. Configure the user name. user-name username - Configure the password password Enter password: Confim password: - Configure the IPv4 address or host name of the SFTP server. host-addr-ipv4 host-address - (Optional) Configure the listening po...
get: downloads files. put: uploads files. Configure the user name. user-name username - Configure the password password Enter password: Confim password: - Configure the IPv4 address or host name of the SFTP server. host-addr-ipv4 host-address - (Optional) Configure the listening po...
Password:230 User logged in.[ftp]# 进入FTP服务器的授权路径。[ftp] cd switch# 执行put命令将交换机的配置文件config.cfg上传到FTP服务器。[ftp] put config.cfg# 执行get命令将FTP服务器上的文件switch.bin下载到交换机的Flash。[ftp] get switch.bin# 执行quit命令中断FTP连接,退回到用户视图下。
delete-remote-files="false"> <int:poller fixed-rate="1000"/> </int-sftp:inbound-channel-adapter> 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 前面的配置示例演示如何为各种属性提供值,包括以下内容: local-directory:文件要传输到的位置 ...
For other SFTP operations in java, please refer below posts on Kodehelp.com – Download File from SFTP Server. Upload File to SFTP Server. Get list of files from SFTP directory. Below Java program is for downloading folder/directory content recursively from SFTP server. /** * Created on Dec...
booleancd(Stringdirectory) 打开指定目录,如果指定路径非目录或不存在返回false voidclose() booleandelDir(StringdirPath) 删除文件夹及其文件夹下的所有文件 booleandelFile(StringfilePath) 删除文件 voiddownload(Stringsrc,FiledestFile) 下载文件 Sftpget(Stringsrc,Stringdest) ...
get: downloads files. put: uploads files. Configure the user name. user-name username - Configure the password password Enter password: Confim password: - Configure the IPv4 address or host name of the SFTP server. host-addr-ipv4 host-address - (Optional) Configure the listening po...