l FTP>mdelete 删除远程电脑上的文档,格式:mdelete remote-files [ ...],说明:remote-files 指定要删除的远程文档。 l FTP>mdir 显示远程目录文档和子目录列表,能够使用 mdir 指定多个文档,格式:mdir remote-files [ ...] local-file,说明:remote-files 指定要查看列表的目录,必须指定 remote-files,请键入 -...
Only the file name can be entered. The file name must be specified during the upload. If the file name is not specified during the download, the file name specified by remotefilename is used. Specify the name of the file stored on the SFTP server. remote-file-name remotefilename You ...
Only the file name can be entered. The file name must be specified during the upload. If the file name is not specified during the download, the file name specified by remotefilename is used. Specify the name of the file stored on the SFTP server. remote-file-name remotefilename You ...
However, in accepting such obligations, You may act only on Your own behalf and on Your sole responsibility, not on behalf of any other Contributor, and only if You agree to indemnify, defend, and hold each Contributor harmless for any liability incurred by, or claims asserted against, such...
Operation ID: OnUpdatedFiles This action has been deprecated. Please use When files are added or modified (properties only) instead. This operation triggers a flow when a file is added or modified in a folder. This trigger will only fetch the file metadata. To get the file content, you ...
Operation ID: OnUpdatedFiles This action has been deprecated. Please use When files are added or modified (properties only) instead. This operation triggers a flow when a file is added or modified in a folder. This trigger will only fetch the file metadata. To get the file content, you ...
Using binary mode to transfer files. ftp> 注: 我们可以选择远程端口转发的方式来绕过防火墙. 最后我们言归正转,来看一下AllowTcpForwarding选项. 如果采用本地转发方式,例如在客户端执行:ssh -CNf -L 2001:localhost:21 root@,此时服务端(如果AllowTcpForwarding选项是no,则不允许转...
Operation ID: OnUpdatedFiles This operation triggers a flow when a file is added or modified in a folder. This trigger will only fetch the file metadata. To get the file content, you can use the "Get file content" operation. The trigger relies on the last modified time of a file. If...
类似于迅雷的开源版下载器 aria2是用于下载文件的实用程序。支持的协议是HTTP(S),FTP,SFTP,BitTorrent和Metalink。aria2可以从多个来源/协议下载文件,并尝试利用最大下载带宽。它支持同时从HTTP(S)/ FTP / SFTP和BitTorrent下载文件,而从HTTP(S)/ FTP / SFTP下载
Using binary mode to transfer files. ftp> 注: 我们可以选择远程端口转发的方式来绕过防火墙. 最后我们言归正转,来看一下AllowTcpForwarding选项. 如果采用本地转发方式,例如在客户端执行:ssh -CNf -L 2001:localhost:21 root@,此时服务端(如果AllowTcpForwarding选项是no,则不允许转...