domainsandtheitemswithin7domainsexceptthefirstdomain“physicalfunctions”wereidentified.Thetotal scoreandthescoresofthedomainscalculatedbyweightedaddingmethodweresignificantlydifferentfromthose calculatedbysimpleaddingmethod.However,onlylittlevariationofthescoresofthedomainsbetweenthetwo ...
SF-36 Total Score???; 13 studies did not specify their methods but referred to the SF-36 developers??? studies or others; and 30 articles used different strategies for calculating such score, the most frequent being arithmetic averaging of the eight SF-36 domains scores. We concluded that ...
Table4 Pairedttestoftotalscoreandscoresofdomainsbetweensimpleaddingandweightedaddingmethods Items MeanscOresOfdOmains TOtal PF RP BP G~ VT SF RE M~ Simpleadding 90.61 79.50 85.61 69.55 70.28 86.84 76.44 72.65 79.00 Weightedadding 90.61 79.24 85.59 68.53 69.32 86.86 76.31 71.43 76.87 t 9....
Results (1) Comparing eight dimeionalities and total score by SF-36 scales between the two groups before the treatment, there was no significant difference and value of each(P was higher than . (2) Measurements of SF-36 after three months treatment showed that eight dimeionalities and total...
(Cronbach'αcoefficientsoftheeightdimensionsrangedfrom0.86to0.88)weresatisfying;theconvergentanddiscriminativeva liditywerehighwiththetestsuccessfulratesof97.14% and87.86%,respectively;thecriterionvaliditywasacceptablewitha correlationcoefficientbetweenthetotalscoreofSF 36andEQ 5D+CVASscoreof0.70.However,theconstruct...
totalvariance.Thecorrelation coefficient of the total score betweenthe SF-36 andthe WHOQOL-BREF was 0.85, and that between the SF-36 and the patients' self-re-ported quality of life was 0.76.After the therapy, the scoresof PF, RP, BP, VT and SF increased significantly .Conclusion The SF...
2)南阳医学高等专科学校,河南南阳473058Effect of information motivation behavior skill model intervention on SF-36score ,self-efficacy score and treatment compliance score of patients with cerebral hemorrhage after operation TIAN Feng 1),QIAO Xinxin 2),ZHANG Yang 1)1)The First Affiliated Hospital...
In addition to the correlation coefficient ( r) between Role-Emotional and Bodily Pain dimension, the r value between total score and the scores of each dimension, and the scores of each dimension of SF-36 scale were 0.140 - 0.769. Except for the Bodily Pain dimension, there were ...
ThetotalscoreofSF一36was62.63±12. 47andtheOOL一35totalscorewas 62.70±9.69.DatafromthesimplecorrelationanalysisshowedthatSF一36andOOL一35totalscores (r=0. 725.P 0.933.P<0.01),SF一36mentalhealthandOOL一35mentalhealth(r=0.132,P<0.01),SF一36 ...
physicalfactorandamentalfactor.TheycouldbeusedtOexplain69.4%ofthetotalvariance.Thecorrelationcoefficientoftheto— talscorebetweentheSF-36andtheWHO~ L-BREFwas0.85,andthatbetweentheSF-36andthepatients’self-reportedaualitv oflifewas0.76.Afterthetherapy,thescoresofPF,RP,BP,VTandSFincreasedsignificantly ...