SF-36采用积分制,每个维度满分100分,最低0分。各维度得分越高,表明个体在该方面的功能越好,生活质量越高。计算总分时,将8个维度的得分分别换算为标准分数(z-score),再将标准分数相加得到总分(0-100分)。总分越高,表明个体的生活质量越好。四、评定步骤 1.准备工作:向被评定者说明评定目的和注意事项,...
SF-36是一种广泛使用的健康调查问卷,它为每个受访者提供一个SCORE(评分),可以衡量每个受访者的健康状况。SF-36应用于医疗、研究和职业健康领域的许多研究,它可以测量当前的状态,也可以按一般实践原则,对比不同护理方案或诊断之间的效力。 SF-36评分以0到100之间的数字表示,数字越高,表示受访者健康情况越好。该评...
Visual Score (%) Physical functioning: 100 % Role limitations due to physical health: 100 % Role limitations due to emotional problems: 100 % Energy/fatigue: 100 % Emotional well-being: 100 % Social functioning: 100 % Pain: 100 % General health: 100 % Health change: 100 % ...
继SF-36原版之后,其2.0版本——国际版于1996年应运而生,旨在进一步优化两个角色功能量表并达成其他改良目标。相较于标准的SF-36 1.0版,2.0版呈现出四大显著变化:更精简的说明与问卷项目、更合理的患者自测版问题与答案布局、以及在角色功能量表项目中引入五级反应选择来替代原有的二分法反应选择。这些改进共同...
目的 探讨经验性治疗(症状-HP检验-治疗)和胃镜检查后治疗(症状-内镜或内镜+B超检查-治疗)两种治疗模式的消化不良Glasgow评分(Glasgow dyspepsia severity score)和简化36医疗结果研究量表(Medical outcomes study short-form 36即SF-36)评分及临床经济学评价的差别.方法对门诊就诊的年龄≤45岁具备腹痛或不适,餐后饱胀...
in the clinical treatment of stroke patients.KEYWORDS: Early rehabilitation; Stroke; FMA score; MBI scores; SF-36 scale; Clinical treatment 0 引言 脑卒中也就是俗称的中风、脑血管意外,属于急性脑血管疾病,其发病原因是脑部血管的突然破裂或者血管堵塞,大脑供血不足而导致的脑组织损伤,其 ...
【Abstract 】Objective To analyze the effect of information motivation behavior skill model intervention on SF-36score ,self-ef ⁃ficacy score and treatment compliance score of patients with cerebral hemorrhage after operation.Methods Totally 180patients with cerebral hemorrhage in our hospital from ...
Two component scores are derived from the eight subscales: a physical health component score and a mental health component score. The SF-36 also includes a single item that assesses perceived change in health status over the past year. Higher scores on all subscales represent better health and...
为了方便对比,这8项评分可分为2个分量域:SF-36生理总评分(physical component score,PCS)和SF-36心理总评分(mental component score,MCS)[7]。 1.3 康复峰值时间 指患者神经功能、生活质量评价指标达到最佳康复的时间点,每名患者均接...
Methods 378 old peoplein community were investigated by SF-36 by face-to-face interview, and the score of items was analyzed. Reliability and validity ofSF-36 were evaluated by item-internal consistency, item discriminant vadility, Cronbach. s alpha coefficient, et al. Results The clus-tering...