SF-36 ® Health Survey Scoring DemonstrationSurvey, HealthDemonstration, ScoringVery, ExcellentPoor, Good Fair
China【 Abstract 】 Objective To develop and evaluate scaling and scoring assumptions, and the reliability andthe validity of a Chinese version of the SF -36 scales .Methods A multi -stage mixed sampling procedure was usedto select a representative sample of the general population.The sample size...
36 and the self?scoring data of private enterprises empl oyee. Results: The split?half reliability between regular physical exerciser a nd irregular physical exerciser was 0.91 and 0.83 (?P?0.9, three coefficients (at leastone coefficient) of the eight divisions in subscale reach the approval ...
[关键词]SF-36,item,ceilingandflooreffectsmissingresponsesnorm-basedscoring(NBS) 1996年, SF-36第二版(SF-36v2)出版以弥补 第一版的不足 1 Ware等人 2 经过定性和定量研 究证实了这些改进本文分三部分内容进一步探 讨 1问卷布局和条目用词的改进 ...
no rm-based scoring impr oves clinical interpretation and is m uch m ore convenient for result com-parison.As a conclusion,the second version remarkably improv es the accuracy of measurem ent com pariso n w ith the first ver sion and it is much mo re sensitiv e to the chang e o f ...
The Chinese (HK) specific SF-12 items and scoring algorithm were derived from the HK Chinese population data by multiple regressions. The SF-36 PCS and MCS scores were used as criteria to assess the content and criterion validity of the SF12. The standard and Chinese (HK) specific ...
5、m Health Survey 1.0 Questionnaire ItemsSF-36 Resources Terms and Conditions for Using the SF-36 MOS 36-Item Short Form Survey Instrument (SF-36)(English PDF) MOS 36-Item Short Form Survey Instrument (SF-36)(Arabic PDF) Scoring Instructions for MOS 36-Item Short Form Survey Instrument (...
三、计算基于常模计分(Normal-Based Scoring) 是根据人群常模进行标准化分数计算,将0~100 刻度的分数转换成基于常 模的分数,要求用不同国别的均数和标准差(常模)来使分数标准化。基于常模计 分的最大好处是便于结果解释,如某一维度得分低于 50,那么这一维度的健康 状况就低于人群常模水平,每一个小数点就是1...
[4】Laucis NC,Hays RD,Bhattacharyya T.Scoring the SF一36 in o’ thopaedics:a briefguide【J1.J Bone Joint Surg Am,2015,97(19): 1628.1634.DOI:10.2106/JBJS.O.00030.【5】Lingard EA,Katz JN,Wright RJ,et a1.Validity and responsiveness of the Knee Society Clinical Rating System in ...
维度 Dimension 表 1 SF 36量表原始计分方法 Table1 PrimaryscoringmethodofSF 36 条目数 No.items 得分范围 Scorerange 计分方法(1) Scoringmethod PF 10 10~30 3a+3b+3c+3d+3e+3f+3g+3h+3i+3j RP 4 4~8 4a+4b+4c+4d BP 2 2~12 7+8 GH 5 5~25 1+10a+10b+10c+10d VT 4 4~24 9a...