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remotes::install_github("mojaveazure/seurat-disk") 但上手了就会发现,R包的初识过程就像一个神秘的男人,总是让你欲罢不能。 第一次报错 * DONE(cowplot)ERROR: dependency ‘httr’ is not availableforpackage ‘plotly’ * removing ‘/usr/local/lib/R/site-library/plotly’ ERROR: dependencies ‘httr’...
作者下载了一个单细胞数据,是h5ad格式的,想转换成R的Seurat格式。要安装R包SeuratDisk。 install.packages("devtools") devtools::install_github("mojaveazure/seurat-disk") 于是发现报错: checking for h5cc... no checking for h5pcc... no checking for HDF5 libraries... no configure: WARNING: Unable ...
removing ‘/Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/3.6/Resources/library/SeuratDisk’ Error: Failed to install 'SeuratDisk' from GitHub: (converted from warning) installation of package ‘/var/folders/rf/yddlf5ss53968h_zpbkfvkkx1vsnpd/T//RtmpxoZWGw/filecc9d6c528d28/SeuratDisk_0.0.0.9009.t...
SeuratDisk is not currently available on CRAN. You can install it fromGitHubwith: if(!requireNamespace("remotes",quietly=TRUE)){install.packages("remotes")}remotes::install_github("mojaveazure/seurat-disk") Dependencies SeuratDisk depends on the following non-standard packages: PackageCRAN...
devtools::install_github("mojaveazure/seurat-disk")# 然后我换了本地安装还是保错install.packages('D:/IEDown/', repos = NULL)以下是错误信息:Error: Failed to install 'unknown package' from GitHub: Timeout was reached: [] Connection timeout after 10003 ms我...
My code is as follows install.packages("remotes") remotes::install_github("mojaveazure/seurat-disk") error is as follows 停止执行 ERROR: lazy loading failed for package 'SeuratDisk' removing 'C:/Users/user/Documents/R/win-library/4.0/SeuratD... Right before step 3.5.1 the file was generated withadata_ent.write("test.h5ad") Does anyone have a solution or faced a similar issue? Best regards, Averian Hi! Just a note: I was able to circumvent this issue by removing the "layer...
I recommend downloading the github, modifying the script to add browser() calls to where the error comes from/debug in place, and using devtools::load_all to reload any modifications to the code to see if it works For me, the main issue which causes this same error was using scanpy ...
I am able to trying to convert anndata object from scanpy (h5ad) to h5seurat to seurat object. I can convert data.h5ad to h5seurat format using Convert(). However, when I try to run seurat_object <- LoadH5Seurat("data.h5seurat") I get th...