MergeSeurat(object1 = object1, object2 = object2)[merge(x = object1, y = object2)]( Session Info Contents Seurat Standard Worflow Seurat Object Interaction Data Access Visualization in Seurat Multi-Assay Features Seurat v2.X vs v3.X Developed ...
基于seurat官网优化的超详细、非常好用的单细胞SeuratV5标准流程全代码。此数据为2个Tumor组织样本和两个癌旁组织样本的多样本单细胞分析,适合入门/实战跟练。 注意:视频整合了SeuratV4流程的其他几个视频;可以分P观看欢迎大家多留言讨论,看到会解答,求给个一键三连,有更多动力更新~数据和代码见评论~ 展开更多...
针对你遇到的错误 "unable to coerce an object of class list to a seurat object",这通常表明你尝试将一个普通的 R 列表(list)对象转换为 Seurat 对象,但转换过程中出现了问题。Seurat 是一个用于单细胞基因组学数据分析的 R 包,它要求输入数据具有特定的结构和格式。下面我将根据提示中的步骤,详细解释如何...
sc-RNA-seq创建的收藏夹sc-RNA-seq内容:Seurat Video Tutorials--Video 4,如果您对当前收藏夹内容感兴趣点击“收藏”可转入个人收藏夹方便浏览
I have tried to combine two Seurat object, came across the same error, and I tried to usereference.list <- list(A, B), the error stays. The A Seurat object has 34660 features and the B Seurat object has 815 features beforeNormalizeandFindVariableFeatures; I tried to adjust the nfeature...
How to get a full list of result from FindMarkers() in Seurat#2154 lizhaozhiopened this issueOct 1, 2019· 5 comments Copy link lk9-lnxcommentedOct 2, 2019 FindMarkers() # ...
Seurat Dimplot, Vlnplot画图时报错,Error in setup_panel_guides(..., self = self) : unused argument (list(~features.plot, ~id)) pdf(paste0("EBV_GaC", "_Marker_genes_Vln.png"), width = 30, height = 10) > DotPlot(object = subset_cells, features = c("PTPRC", "CD3D", "CD3E"...