cDNA was made by reversing mRNA (Qiagen), and qRT-PCR was performed in a thermocycler with SYBR Green PCR Master Mix (Qiagen). The comparative cycle threshold (Ct) (2−ΔΔCT) was used to calculate the relative expression of TGF-β mRNA and COL1A1 mRNA. Table 2 summarises the ...
All primers and PCR conditions used for the virulence gene amplification were performed as described previously [25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33]. All of the PCR reactions were performed in a singleplex platform in a Prima 96 plus Thermal Cycler (Himedia Laboratories, Mumbai, India). Each PC...
released by apoptotic or necrotic tumor cells, and after processing the tumor is characterized by several molecular technologies, such as whole genome/exome sequencing, targeted next-generation sequencing (NGS), RNA sequencing, immunostaining, multiplex qRT-PCR, or transcriptomics and epigenomics assays ...