CEvent::SetEvent Return Value Nonzero if the function was successful, otherwise 0. Remarks If the event is manual, the event will remain signaled untilResetEventis called. More than one thread can be released in this case. If the event is automatic, the event will remain signaled until a ...
CEvent::SetEvent 是 Windows 32 系统编程 API 中的一个函数,用于线程间通信。函数原型如下:BOOL SetEvent(HANDLE hEvent);其中,hEvent 参数表示事件句柄。返回值说明:如果操作成功,则返回非零值。如果操作失败,则返回 0。通过使用 SetEvent 函数,开发者可以向一个事件对象发送信号,从而通知等待...
CEvent::SetEvent BOOL SetEvent( ); Return Value Nonzero if the function was successful, otherwise 0. Remarks If the event is manual, the event will remain signaled untilResetEventis called. More than one thread can be released in this case. If the event is automatic, the event will remai...
Requirements Header:afxmt.h See Also Concepts CEvent Class CEvent Members Hierarchy Chart
CEvent g_event; 在程序中能够通过调用CEvent::SetEvent设置事件为有信号状态。 综合: 首先介绍CreateEvent是创建windows事件的意思,作用主要用在推断线程退出,程锁定方面. CreateEvent 函功能描写叙述:创建或打开一个命名的或无名的事件对象. EVENT有两种状态:发信号,不发信号。
pOCFunc [input] pointer to a Function object which has been intialized with an existing Origin C function. Return 0 if the event handler was set up successfully, 2 if an events COM interface cannot be retrieved from the object, 3 if the event name was wrong. ...
[input] pointer to a Function object which has been intialized with an existing Origin C function.Return0 if the event handler was set up successfully, 2 if an events COM interface cannot be retrieved from the object, 3 if the event name was wrong.Examples...
用ResetEvent函数可以手工将事件对象置为无信号状态。 相反SetEvent函数将事件对象置为有信号状态。 PulseEvent函数将事件对象置为有信号状态,然后立即置为无信号状态,在实际开发中这个函数很少使用。
Creates an event that is not associated with a shared variable. The event URL is in the following format: \computer\process\UserDefinedEvent.event.computer specifies the local computer, because this VI only executes on the local computer. LabVIEW prepends UserDefinedEvent to the name of the eve...