Sets the selected CPU Sets assignment for the specified thread. This assignment overrides the process default assignment, if one is set. Syntax C++Copy BOOLSetThreadSelectedCpuSetMasks( HANDLE Thread, PGROUP_AFFINITY CpuSetMasks, USHORT CpuSetMaskCount ); ...
CpuSetMasks 指定GROUP_AFFINITY结构的可选缓冲区,这些结构表示要设置为线程所选 CPU 集的 CPU 集。 如果此为NULL,SetThreadSelectedCpuSetMasks函数会清除任何分配,如果设置了默认分配,则还原以处理默认分配。 CpuSetMaskCount 指定在 GroupCpuSets 参数中传递的列表中GROUP_AFFINITY结构的数目。 如果缓冲...
BOOL SetProcessDefaultCpuSetMasks( HANDLE Process, PGROUP_AFFINITY CpuSetMasks, USHORT CpuSetMaskCount ); 参数 Process 指定要为其设置默认 CPU 集的进程。 此句柄必须具有 PROCESS_SET_LIMITED_INFORMATION 访问权限。 还可以在此处指定 GetCurrentProcess 返回的值。 CpuSetMasks 指定GROUP_AFFINITY...
Structure patterns mutually correlated on masks are projected onto the same photosensitive layer (R) on semiconductor wafer (W) in projection system. The first mask (P) contains opaque structure element (25) on first position so that its position projection onto wafer forms not-exposed region of...
Set the regular and coherent DMA masks for TURBOchannel devices then, observing that the bus protocol supports a 34-bit (16GiB) DMA address space, by interpreting the value presented in the address cycle across the 32 `ad' lines as a 32-bit word rather than byte address[1]. The ...
A set of at least two masks for the projection of structure patterns coordinated with one another by a projection system into the same photosensitive layer of a semiconductor wafer, in which the set of at least two masks includes a primary mask having an opaque structure element, which is for...
A method of generating mask data, for a set of masks used to transfer a pattern for delineating a circuit pattern of a semiconductor integrated circuit, includes preparing design data having a design
30-蓝盒 - Non-Fiction - Set B - Masks 2522020-07 3 30-蓝盒 - Non-Fiction - Set B - Road Rules 2062020-07 4 30-蓝盒 - Non-Fiction - Set B - What Is It Made Of 1742020-07 5 30-蓝盒 - Non-Fiction - Set B - Wind 1912020-07 6 30-蓝盒 - Non-Fiction - Set B - Worki...
30-Early Level 3 - Non-Fiction - Set B - Life Cycle Of A Plant 552021-01 2 30-Early Level 3 - Non-Fiction - Set B - Masks 232021-01 3 30-Early Level 3 - Non-Fiction - Set B - Road Rules 252021-01 4 30-Early Level 3 - Non-Fiction - Set B - What Is It Made Of 31202...
The dwSubMasks field is treated as a bit array of sub-types of that packet (for example, LINE_CALLSTATE_* values). A bit that is set to 1 allows packets of the corresponding sub-type to be sent to the client. A bit that is set to 0 prevents packets of the corresponding sub-type...