决定写这个系列起因于刚才的偶然所见,我发现当前版本的Unity有一个 Utility 标准资源包,里面有一个 FPSCounter 脚本提供了显示游戏运行帧率的基本功能,而我几周前刚刚写过一个同样功能的脚本。“重复造轮子”的挫折感深深刺激了我,鉴于Unity官方并没有对他们的标准资源做多少介绍性的工作,所以我打算对标准资源中几个...
Unity is ignoringApplication.targetFrameRate The application is capped at higher or lower than target frame rate VSync is not capping to 60/30 fps Cause Unity intentionally ignoresApplication.targetFrameRatewhenVSync Countis active.VSync Countis a property in the Quality settings (Edit>Project Setting...
Elevate your workflow with the RPG/FPS Game Assets for PC/Mobile (Industrial Set v4.0) asset from Dmitrii Kutsenko. Find this & other Industrial options on the Unity Asset Store.
Original Unity version 5.6.5 SupportVisit site Frequently bought together Quick Look Dmitrii Kutsenko RPG/FPS Game Assets for PC/Mobile (Urban Set v1.0) (12) $15 Quick Look Purple Jump Town Constructor 3 (19) $4.99 Quick Look Target Studio First person narrative adventures +...
Set Target Frame Rate «on:October 11, 2012, 03:20:07 PM » In Unity, the default is set at 30fps, for weeks I've been trying to get over 30fps thinking it was my optimisations. I discovered this and it improved my frame rates. ...
文件:RPGFPS Game Assets for PCMobile Industrial Set v30 3.0.unitypackage 说明:Unity工具内截图云检查是爱给网根据自动化脚本命令打开模型文件后自动导出生成,主要用于辅助判断预览图和实际模型的一致性。 提示:由于云检查并不是人工进行的,此项检查存在诸多因素(如视角、背景默认设置不佳等)导致约有6%的模型还不...
Daydream Renderer is a set of scripts and shaders designed to allow for high quality real-time rendering on the Daydream platform targeting 60fps. - googlevr/daydream-renderer-for-unity
RPG游戏机-如何使用ALVI设置输入[点击事件, 开始时, 双击](Alvi-FPS TPS RPG GameMaker - How use AlviSetInput [Event OnClick, OnStart, OnDoubleClick]), 本站编号36642425, 该Unity3D素材大小为16m, 时长为04分 17秒, 支持4K播放, 不同倍速播放 作者为Bill Nace, 更多精彩Unity3D素材,尽在爱给网...
Streaming is also neat, but I'd really like to see some exclusives that really target these high end chips with controllers. ganeshts - Thursday, May 28, 2015 - link Yes, NVIDIA has indicated around 20 exclusive titles are coming to Tegra K1 and X1-based SHIELD devices. Jumangi - ...
选择要展开的图像13.展开 Crosshair Data Target In Sight 部分,并设置数据(这是敌人在视野中时用于十字线的数据)。i. 将一个精灵资源分配给 Crosshair Sprite ii.将 Crosshair Size 设置为 50 iii.将 Crosshair Color 设置为红色(记得在拾色器窗口中将 Alpha 值设置为 100)选择要展开的图像...