library(msigdbr) h.human <- msigdbr(species = "Homo sapiens", category = "H") h.names <- unique(h.human$gs_name) h.sets <- vector("list", length = length(h.names)) names(h.sets) <- h.names library(dplyr) for (i in names(h.sets)) { h.sets[[i]] <- pull(h.human[h...
library(msigdbr) h.human <- msigdbr(species = "Homo sapiens", category = "H") h.names <- unique(h.human$gs_name) h.sets <- vector("list", length = length(h.names)) names(h.sets) <- h.names library(dplyr) for (i in names(h.sets)) { h.sets[[i]] <- pull(h.human[h...
dplyr::mutate(target.gene = plyr::mapvalues(gene, from = rownames(object[[method[i]]], to = object[[method[i]]]$target.gene)) target.gene.geneset[[i]] <- object[[method[i]]] %>% tibble::rownames_to_column(var = "geneset") ...
If you’ve managed to produce a 0-row data frame, dplyr won’t try to print the data, but will tell you the column names and types: data_frame(x=numeric(),y=character())#> Source: local data frame [0 x 2]#>#> Variables not shown: x (dbl), y (chr) ...
'names' attribute [2] must be the same length as the vector [1] Also, not sure if this is relevant butdplyrgives the same output in both versions ofdata.table, although with slightly different formatting, which I assume is merely a change of howdata.tableprint out thelisttype in those...
because with any of the proposals I am getting the result that I need. I've been trying for a week and I really don't know how to solve it, so I have decided to post my real data using a link in case that is more helpful. When I try UsingdplyrandtidyrI get th...
Usingdplyrfor a left join withdiffering column namesinvolves specifying thebyargument with a named vector: library(dplyr) left_join(x, y, by = c("xColName" = "yColName")) In this line,xColNameis the column in the first data frame andyColNamein the second. ...
Must be tab delimited with two columns. First column of sample names and second column as phenotype grouping of the samples This file type is required for the Getting Started Script,GSEA_Sig_Table_Gen.Ras well as for within the app.
Sys.setenv(R_REMOTES_STANDALONE="true") remotes::install_github("Buedenbender/datscience") A Teaser of datscience Functionality: flex_table1() While R provides so many opportunities and power to conduct whatever analyses one can imagine, I found myself often having difficulties with the transf...