See also:AWS API Documentation Synopsis¶ set-rule-priorities--rule-priorities<value>[--cli-input-json<value>][--generate-cli-skeleton<value>][--debug][--endpoint-url<value>][--no-verify-ssl][--no-paginate][--output<value>][--query<value>][--profile<value>][--region<value>][--...
awsconfiguresetvarnamevalue[--profileprofile-name] Options¶ varname(string) The name of the config value to set. value(string) The value to set. Global Options¶ --debug(boolean) Turn on debug logging. --endpoint-url(string) Override command's default URL with the given URL. ...
即Airflow 2。(
Describe the bug When the region is set through either AWS_REGION or AWS_DEFAULT_REGION environment variables or with the --region argument passed to aws health, the CLI attempts to use an endpoint in that region. This fails because AWS ...
aws-eks-internal: name: AWS (EKS Internal) Artifact Caching Proxy # TODO: maintain with updatecli url: http://artifact-caching-proxy.artifact-caching-proxy.svc.cluster.local:8080/ datadog: host: "" @@ -210,6 +210,7 @@ profile::jenkinscontroller::jcasc: javaHome: /...
The host name of a PSE for AWS always ends in Service Name - You use this service name when creating the private endpoint in AWS.You can also create the PSEs during cluster creation.Use ybm CLI To create a PSE, do the following:...
An S3 bucket is used by the AWS SAM CLI to upload the Lambda packages that are used to provision the Lambda functions. This bucket is different from the bucket that contains the YAML configuration files. That bucket is created by the AWS CloudFormation template at deployment time. ...
brew install eksctl awscli aws-iam-authenticator aws configure eksctl create cluster --name remote-dev \ --region us-west-2 \ --node-type m5.xlarge \ --nodes 3 \ --nodes-min=1 \ --nodes-max=4 \ --version=1.26 \ --asg-access ...
on the Windows Server 2012 R2 computer you designated for the AD FS 3.0 installation. Also, installAWS Tools for Windows PowerShellon that computer, because this is required to complete the IAM configuration from the command line. You don’t need to configure a ...
cli geeknote golang jsontools marked2 osx pyenv safe-paste suse thor wakeonlan autopep8 capistrano composer emoji gem gpg-agent jump mercurial pass pylint sbt svn tmux wd aws cask copydir emoji-clock git gradle kate meteor paver python scala svn-fast-info tmux-cssh web-search battery cat...