AWS CLI 设置实例的运行状况 此示例将指定实例的运行状况设置为Unhealthy。 aws autoscaling set-instance-health \ --instance-idi-061c63c5eb45f0416\ --health-statusUnhealthy 此命令不生成任何输出。 有关API 的详细信息,请参阅AWS CLI 命令参考SetInstanceHealth中的。
See also:AWS API Documentation Synopsis¶ set-security-groups--load-balancer-arn<value>--security-groups<value>[--enforce-security-group-inbound-rules-on-private-link-traffic<value>][--cli-input-json<value>][--generate-cli-skeleton<value>][--debug][--endpoint-url<value>][--no-verify-ss...
aws-eks-internal: name: AWS (EKS Internal) Artifact Caching Proxy # TODO: maintain with updatecli url: http://artifact-caching-proxy.artifact-caching-proxy.svc.cluster.local:8080/ datadog: host: "" @@ -210,6 +210,7 @@ profile::jenkinscontroller::jcasc: javaHome: /...
aws-eks-internal: name: AWS (EKS Internal) Artifact Caching Proxy # TODO: maintain with updatecli url: http://artifact-caching-proxy.artifact-caching-proxy.svc.cluster.local:8080/ datadog: host: "" @@ -210,6 +210,7 @@ profile::jenkinscontroller::jcasc: javaHome: /...
The host name of a PSE for AWS always ends in Service Name - You use this service name when creating the private endpoint in AWS.You can also create the PSEs during cluster creation.Use ybm CLI To create a PSE, do the following:...
An S3 bucket is used by the AWS SAM CLI to upload the Lambda packages that are used to provision the Lambda functions. This bucket is different from the bucket that contains the YAML configuration files. That bucket is created by the AWS CloudFormation template at deployment time. ...
brew install eksctl awscli aws-iam-authenticator aws configure eksctl create cluster --name remote-dev \ --region us-west-2 \ --node-type m5.xlarge \ --nodes 3 \ --nodes-min=1 \ --nodes-max=4 \ --version=1.26 \ --asg-access ...
aws-encryption-cli --decrypt --master-keys provider=aws-kms profile=prod --input - --output - --decode -S It default to the aws-kms provider if you don't specify a name and specifying the profile should also work
Trying to make a proof of concept login page with AWS Cognito - what authentication? Trying to merge contexts Identity core and Application Context TryValidateModel in unit tests Two Factor Authentication, VerifyTwoFactorTokenAsync always return false Unable to apply orderby on iincludablequerialable...