建议的配置文件名称是账户 ID 号,后跟下划线,然后是角色名称,但是在本教程中,我们将使用较短的配置文件名称admin-1。现在,您的 CLI 窗口应显示以下几行: To use this profile, specify the profile name using --profile, as shown: aws s3 ls --profile admin-1 ...
aws aws-cli environment-variables environment-vars boto aws-boto3 aws-profile boto-profile Updated Jul 2, 2019 Shell cytopia / aws-export-assume-profile Sponsor Star 42 Code Issues Pull requests Export AWS profiles to your shell environment aws aws-cli environment-variables environment-vars ...
I'm happy to announce that the ability to configure the endpoint URL via the shared configuration file and environment variables is now available in the AWS CLI v1 and v2! You can now specify the endpoint to use for all service requests through the shared configuration file and environment va...
在使用命令 aws codeartifact get-authorization-token 生成 token的时候得到提示: 代码语言:javascript 代码运行次数: You must specify a region.You can also configure your region by running"aws configure". 解决办法 其实解决办法已经告诉你了,你需要在你的命令行中运行 C:\Users\yhu>aws configure 进行配置。
If you don't specify a value here, the default version available in Amazon EKS is used. NoteThe default version might not be the latest version available. --cli-input-json (string) Performs service operation based on the JSON string provided. The JSON string follows the format provided by ...
步骤10:按下Enter键。Amplify CLI 将部署资源并显示确认消息,如屏幕截图中所示。 创建个人资料文件夹 步骤1:在lib/features中创建一个新文件夹,命名为profile。 步骤2:在profile文件夹中创建以下新文件夹: service:与 Amplify 后端连接的层。 data:提取网络代码(特别是services)的存储库层。
最佳实践:将集群移至新的 AWS ParallelCluster 次要版本或补丁版本 当前,每个 AWS ParallelCluster 次要版本及其pclusterCLI版本都是独立的.要将集群移至新的次要 版本或补丁版本,必须使用新版本重新创建集群.CLI 最佳实践:网络性能 22 AWS ParallelCluster AWS ParallelCluster 用户指南 (v2) 要优化将集群迁移到新...
CLI 参数声明 aws ec2 describe-instances--profileuser1 1. 环境变量声明 linux | mac exportAWS_PROFILE=user1 1. Windows setx AWS_PROFILE user1 1. aws configure 配置default profile # aws configureAWS Access Key ID[None]: AKIAIOSFODNN7EXAMPLE ...
In theSpecify templatepane, for theTemplate sourcefield, select theAmazon S3 URLoption. You can copy the S3 URL link which is displayed on the screen (as shown in the image below) and download the template. Image to be added Step 9 ...
# can specify a particular profile name:$ aws configure--profile profilename The AWS CLI looks for credentials and configuration settings in the following order: Command Line Options – region, output format and profile can be specified as command options to override default settings. ...