CLI default client Region[None]: us-west-2<ENTER>CLI default outputformat[None]: json<ENTER>CLI profile name[123456789011_ReadOnly]: my-dev-profile<ENTER> 1. 2. 3. 成功验证 To use this profile, specify the profile name using --profile, as shown: aws s3ls--profilemy-dev-profile 1. 2...
另外credentials内还可配置aws_session_token(AWS会话令牌),在使用临时凭证时才需要,后面介绍。 命名Profile 配置文件中,默认profile名称为default。可以使用aws configure --profile指定新的profile名称,增加其他密钥。 CLI选项 –profile – profile名称, 默认为"default" –region – AWS region –output – 输出格式,...
The CA certificate bundle to use when verifying SSL certificates. Overrides config/envsettings.--cli-read-timeout (int) The maximum socket readtimeinseconds. If the value is set to0, the socket read will be blocking and not timeout. The default value is60seconds.--cli-connect-timeout (in...
使用register命令的--profile參數來指定描述檔名稱。register命令會以授予相關聯登入資料的許可執行。 您也可以省略--profile。在此情況下,register會使用預設登入資料執行。請注意,這些不一定是預設描述檔的登入資料,因此您必須確定預設登入資料具備必要許可。如需有關如何 AWS CLI 決定預設認證,請參閱設定AWS命令列介面...
AWS CLI以特定顺序使用一系列提供程序查找凭据。(
and place it in~/.aws/credentials(or in%UserProfile%\.aws/credentialson Windows). If you wish to place the shared credentials file in a different location than the one specified above, you need to tell aws-cli where to find it. Do this by setting the appropriate environment variable: ...
The confusion may be that CLI profiles that use keysaredefined in~/.aws/credentialsbut profiles that usesource_profileshould be placed in~/.aws/config. More details in the CLIconfiguration section. The workaround for this problem is to define the role assumption profile in~/.aws/credentialswith...
安装CLI并配置凭据 配置aws_signing_helper程序作为credential process来获取认证凭据,为设备启用无人值守访问。 File: .aws/config [default]region=us-east-1credential_process=/home/mile/.aws/aws_signing_helper credential-process \--certificate/app/device.crt--private-key/ap...
首先在海外AWS区域创建一个EC2,建议使用Amazon Linux 2系统,在其上配置AWSCLI工具和对应的AKSK,使其具有AWS Certificate Manager(ACM)服务操作权限。 执行如下命令生成CA证书。注意最后一个命令执行后,需要输入证书使用的域名。 git clone ...