Severe sepsis:Symptoms of sepsis, plus difficulty breathing, abnormal liver tests, and peeing less or not at all. Septic shock:Symptoms of sepsis and severe sepsis, plus dangerously low blood pressure, which can cause organ damage and even death. But these days, doctors diagnose the condition o...
If an infection, like sepsis, overwhelms the body’s defences, innate immune cells continue to infiltrate the vital organs of the body, including the brain, resulting in collateral tissue damage from cytokines, immune modulators, complement, oxidants, proteases, and toxic extracellular traps (Fig.2...
Sepsis facilitates brain serotonin activity and impairs learning ability in ratsAmino acidPassive avoidance learningRatSepsisSerotoninSepsis often provokes various neurological disorders. Because many neurologic symptoms are caused by changes in neurotransmissions, we investigated the relationship between behavioral...
changes in cognitive or mental status that are associated with SAE can present in susceptible patients up to 36–48 h before other systemic symptoms of sepsis or SIRS become apparent. Such patients, who have an otherwise normal neurological examination and ...
The clinical spectrum of diffuse cerebral dysfunction induced by systemic sepsis--sepsis-associated encephalopathy according to the new terms--varies from transient, reversible encephalopathy, to severe irreversible brain damage. The aim of the present publication is to summarize the pathophysiology, ...
Sepsis-associated encephalopathy is a common neurological complication of sepsis and is responsible for higher mortality and poorer long-term outcomes in septic patients. Sepsis-associated encephalopathy symptoms can range from mild delirium to deep coma, which occurs in up to 70% of patients in inten...
Brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is indicated in presence of focal signs, brainstem symptoms, new-onset seizures, and in case of persistent encephalopathy in the absence of common confounders (i.e. metabolic/toxic factors and sedation). It is recommended to include a diffusion-weighted imagi...
symptoms: increased or decreased body temperature (>38 °C or <36 °C), hyperventilation (res- piratory rate >20 breaths per min or an arterial partial pressure of carbon dioxide <32 mmHg) and abnormal white blood cell count (>12,000 or <4,000 cells/μl).5 Severe sepsis is ...
Evidence suggests that there may be a correlation between neuroinflammation and psychiatric symptoms following sepsis. Indeed, mice display anxiety-like behavior 10 days after CLP, along with increased levels of TNF-α, interferon-gamma (IFN-γ), IL-1β, and IL-6 in brain tissue [25]. ...
induce coagulation disorders, manifesting symptoms reminiscent of hemorrhagic fever. Severe cases may result in extensive organ damage. Moreover, certain viruses, such as HSV, preferentially affect the nervous system, whereas others target the intestinal lining, including noroviruses and rotaviruses. The...