执行命令进行安装: 按下回车键执行上述命令,conda将会开始下载并安装sensor_msgs包及其依赖项。 验证安装是否成功: 安装完成后,你可以通过以下Python代码来验证sensor_msgs是否已成功安装:python import sensor_msgs print(sensor_msgs) 如果没有报错,并且输出了sensor_msgs的相关信息,那么说明安装成功。
安装sensor_msgs 这个比较简单直接使用pip就可以了 python pip install sensor_msgs --extra-index-url https://rospypi.github.io/simple/ 问题 实际使用过程中遇到了一个问题,在解析图片信息的时候 python fromcv_bridge.boost.cv_bridge_boostimportcvtColor2 ...
配置如下: INSTALLED_APPS = [ 'simpleui' 'django.contrib.admin', 'django.contrib...
sensor-msgs Star Here are 7 public repositories matching this topic... Language: All flynneva / bno055 Star 89 Code Issues Pull requests ROS2 driver for Bosch BNO055 using UART or I2C i2c imu bno055 ros2 sensor-msgs ros2-driver uart-communication Updated Feb 17, 2024 Python ...
laser_geometry包含一个类,用于从sensor_msgs / LaserScan定义的2D激光扫描转换为sensor_msgs / PointCloud或sensor_msgs / PointCloud2定义的点云。特别是,它包含解决因移动机器人或倾斜激光扫描仪而导致的偏斜的功能。 软件架构 软件架构说明 laser_geometry软件包包含一个C ++类:LaserProjection。没有ROS API。
sensor_msgs rclcpp Developing Environment Language: C++ Platform: X3 Operating System: Ubuntu 20.04 Compiling Toolchain: Linux GCC 9.3.0/Linaro GCC 9.3.0 package Description After the compilation of the imu_sensor package, the config and launch directories and .so library are respectively installed ...
[C]",msg->temperature);}voidmagCallback(constsensor_msgs::MagneticField::ConstPtr&msg) {ROS_INFO("Mag. Field: %.3f,%.3f,%.3f [uT]",msg->magnetic_field.x*1e-6, msg->magnetic_field.y*1e-6, msg->magnetic_field.z*1e-6);}voidpressureCallback(constsensor_msgs::FluidPressure::...
Install this packages on rosbot and on computer (if you are going to use it to this project)sudo apt install ros-melodic-grid-map* Create your packages Go to your workspace it should be something like: cd ~/ros_workspace/src
Make sure your gnss topic type is 'sensor_msgs::NavSatFix'; Modify 'gpsTopic' paramter in '*.yaml' with yourself gnss topic; gpsTopic: "gps/fix" # GPS topic If you want to use liorf with integrated gps factor in kitti dataset, you can use the modified python script in "config/doc...