重磅:自我扩增mRNA(‘self-amplifying’ RNA/saRNA)抗新冠疫苗ARCT-154震撼上市!saRNA可在细胞内自我倍增,也就允许初始接种剂量很小,是常规mRNA疫苗的1/10-1/6,可降低副作用;越来越多研究证明,saRNA不仅用于呼吸道病毒感染预防,也能用于癌症防治;首个saRNA疫苗ARCT-154上周在日获完全授权,科学家20年的不懈努力...
Rapid response to emerging diseases is critical when developing a vaccine. Long RNA (mRNA and saRNA) is at the forefront of vaccine development. Benefits of saRNA saRNA vaccines can be developed in a fraction of the time it takes to develop a conventional vaccine ...
In particular, self-amplifying RNA (saRNA) derived from alphavirus expression vectors has shown to be very efficient to induce humoral and cellular responses against many antigens in preclinical models, being superior to non-replicating mRNA and DNA. This is mainly due to the fact that saRNA ...
The technology usesgenetic codecalled self-amplifying RNA (saRNA). This genetic information holds instructions to make a protein found on the outside of the coronavirus, called the spike protein. Once injected into the muscle of the arm, the cells make this spike protein, enabling the immune sy...
We have developed an easily-manufactured, potent self- amplifying RNA (saRNA) vaccine against SARS-CoV-2 that is stable at room temperature. This saRNA vaccine is formulated with a nanostructured lipid carrier (NLC), providing stability, ease of manufacturing, and protection against degradation. In...
Here, we present a self-amplifying RNA encoding the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein encapsulated within a lipid nanoparticle(LNP) as a vaccine. We observe remarkably high and dose-dependent SARS-CoV-2 specific antibody titers in mouse sera, as well as robust neutralization of both a pseudo-virus ...
“Due to increased antigen levels, one injection of saRNA—whether linear or circular—may cause adverse events comparable with repeated (booster) injections of modRNA.” Mr. Steger had previously pointed out thatBioNTech’s “mRNA” vaccines are made not with mess...
Simplifying manufacturing of saRNA replicons Making the transition to a more efficient RNA capping process can be challenging. TriLink BioTechnologies has a solution. This technical note explores how CleanCap® AU technology simplifies the production process of saRNAs, delivering higher yields and ...
“We believe self-amplifying RNA, once optimised, will allow us to target novel pathways not amenable to traditional drug discovery across our therapy areas of interest.” The company will make an investment in VaxEquity to support the development of the saRNA platform and also has the option ...
In this context, self-amplifying RNA (saRNA) viruses with a single-stranded RNA of positive polarity comprise of alphaviruses and flaviviruses, while measles viruses and rhabdoviruses carrying a negative-strand RNA genome have been engineered as expression vectors. Several studies in animal models ...