Giddan JJ,Ross GJ,Sechler,et al.Selective mutism in elementary school: Multidisciplinary interventions. Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in School . 1997Giddan, J. J., Ross, G. J., Sechler, L. L., & Becker, B. R. (1997). Selective mutism in elementary school: Multidisciplinary ...
选择性缄默症(Selective Mutism)全记录四 背景介绍:我女儿YY,今年8岁,她2岁时随我们来到美国,2014年她3岁开始上pre-school(学前班),到去年我们找到专业的选择性缄默症(以下简称SM)医生对她进行干预之前,整整4年多的时间,她从未在学校说过一句话。 这5年来我们的心情就像过山车一样起起伏伏,完全跟着她的表现走...
Selective mutism definition: an anxiety disorder characterized by the inability to speak in certain social environments, most commonly occurring in young children, especially in school.. See examples of SELECTIVE MUTISM used in a sentence.
Objective: This study assessed the prevalence of selective mutism among second graders in elementary school, and examined related issues such as the situations in which the children refuse to speak, their performance level at school, and some temperamental/behavioural characteristics of these children. ...
can diagnose your child and develop a selective mutism treatment plan with your input. Your child will then learn coping skills such as practicing nonverbal skills while participating in class, speaking to one or two children at a time, or receiving accommodations to make their school days ...
Selective Mutism: A Team Approach to Assessment and Treatment in the School Settingdoi:10.1177/1059840511422534The school nurse plays a pivotal role in the assessment and treatment of selective mutism (SM), a rare disorder found in elementary school children. Due to anxiety, children with SM do ...
Selective mutism is a form of abnormal behaviour in which the child who has already learned to speak and speaks in some social settings as other children do, but consistently fails to speak in certain settings, such as at daycare or school.
Objective: This study was carried out to determine the prevalence of selective mutism (SM) in an urban school population and to assess comorbidity and family characteristics. Method: Teachers of primary schools, teaching children between the ages of four and 12, were sent a description of SM and...
Purpose of reviewSelective mutism is a disorder in which an individual fails to speak in certain social situations though speaks normally in other settings. Most commonly, this disorder initially manifests when children fail to speak in school. Selective mutism results in significant social and academ...
Selective Mutism (SM). Participants included 78 children, aged 3.5-8.5 years, with SM diagnosis, and their primary care-giving parent. The measures included clinical interviews, clinicians and parents’ reports, and behavioral observations. Clinician reports of less severe SM symptoms in children ...