Selective Mutism -- Tips for Helping Teachers Deal with this Anxiety Disorder in the ClassroomAnne Clarke
Teachers.Teachers should understand that the child with selective mutism is very much present in the classroom and is paying close attention to what’s happening. They are simply unable to speak or participate as other children would. It’s best not to ignore the child or to force them to s...
Selective Mutism: Evidenced Based Treatment This webinar will provide parents and professionals with strategies to work effectively with children with Selective Mutism (SM). Dr. Chelsey Rosen and Clare Ferramosca (BCBA, LBA) work at MPG's SM clinic and are both specialized in this area....
In current classification systems, selective mutism (SM) is included in the broad anxiety disorders category. Indeed, there is abundant evidence showing that anxiety, and social anxiety in particular, is a prominent feature of SM. In this article, we point out that autism spectrum problems in ad...
Kurtz S. Brave buddies: an intensive group treatment for SM in an analog classroom setting. Paper presented at the 32nd ADAA annual conference, Arlington, April 12–15, 2012. Google Scholar Kaakeh YS, Janice L. Treatment of selective mutism: focus on selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors. ...
However, there may be disorders associated with this concept, such as hyperactive attention disorders, post-traumatic stress disorder, schizophrenia, selective mutism and other processing disorders. Selective listening in psychology Psychologists explain selective listening, or the cocktail party effect, as ...
A semi-structured phone interview was conducted to determine teacher knowledge of selective mutism in order to gauge the following: gain an understanding of how selective mutism manifests in the classroom, the referral process, utilization of outside consultation, classroom interventions/strategies used ...
Addressing Selective Mutism in the Classroom.Kristen WelshBrandon University. 270 18th Street, Brandon, Manitoba R7A6A9. Tel: 204-727-9616; e-mail:; Web site:
Finally, specific classroom strategies for the teacher to use, such as providing a warm classroom environment, using a hierarchy of communication and fixed-choice questions, increasing wait-time for questions, and using video recordings for communication, are reviewed. Use of these strategies will ...
Keywords: selective mutism;intensive intervention;behavioral therapy;anxiety;summer camp;children