Step 1:Suppose you have a dataset like the one displayed below, and you need to select an entire column, such as Column C. To initiate the process, begin by selecting any cell within Column C. Keyboard Shortcuts for Basic Column Selection in Excel Step 2:Once you've chosen a cell with...
Or use the Shift + arrow keys to select the range. To select non-adjacent cells and cell ranges, hold Ctrl and select the cells. Select one or more rows and columns Select the letter at the top to select the entire column. Or click on any cell in the column and then press Ctrl...
Select Cells or Ranges in Excel So far Excel had no option to deselect the cells or a range from the selected range of cells. So, no one could deselect any cells or a range of cells from their selection. But now Excel has introduced the feature to deselect the cells or a range of s...
Tip:To select a row or column to the end of data, select the first cell and pressCtrl+Shift+Right ArroworCtrl+Shift+Down Arrow. If a row or column has blank cells, repeat pressing keys to select additional cells. For more info, seeSelect cells or ranges....
Find and Select the Last Blank Cell in Column A SubMacro3() 'Step 1: Declare Your Variables.DimLastRowAsLong 'Step 2: Capture the last used row number.LastRow=Cells(Rows.Count,1).End(xlUp).Row 'Step 3: Select the next row downCells(LastRow,1).Offset(1,0).SelectEndSub ...
Examples of how to select cells manually To manually select all the data in a column, select the first cell, and press CTRL+SHIFT+DOWN ARROW. Likewise, to manually select a row and all columns attached to the row, press CTRL+SHIFT+DOWN ARROW+RIGHT ARROW...
When a range is selected, its column and row headings are highlighted. In Figure 1-7, the selected range is referred to as B6:C9 ("B6 to C9"). Method To select a range of cells in Excel: Mouse method Select the first cell of the desired range. Drag the mouse pointer through the ...
Select an entire range of non-contiguous cells in a column Range("A1",Range("A"&Rows.Count).End(xlUp)).Select Copy Note: This VBA code supports Excel 2003 to 2013. When this code is used with the following example table, range A1:A8 will be selected. ...
Sub SelectRangeBasedOnCriteria() Dim searchValue As String Dim ws As Worksheet Dim lastRow As Long Dim cell As Range Dim rngToSelect As Range Set ws = ActiveSheet searchValue = ActiveCell.Value ' Find the last row in column A lastRow = ws.Cells(ws.Rows.Count, "A...
Hi All, I am using following code to select range of cells in column A & B. The issue is that cell B3 is merge cells (B3:C3) so above code selects A1:D30. Ideally it shall only select A1:B30. Is there any workaround? I cannot explicit mention A1:B30 in my code as rows may...