Once you press OK, Excel will highlight all the cells with data by default. Read More: Select All Cells with Data in a Column in Excel Method 2 – Excel VBA to Select All Cells with Data Steps: Go to the worksheet that contains the dataset. Right-click on the corresponding sheet nam...
Select › 8. Select adjacent cells in column with the same valueThis utility will expand your selection to include all adjacent cells which have the same value above and below your active cell.By default you can start this utility with the shortcut Control+Alt+A. ...
Method 4 – Choose a Whole Column of Cells in Excel STEPS: Click your desired column header. Method 5 – Select All Cells in the Table Without Dragging STEPS: Click any cell inside the cell. Press Ctrl + A. Read More: How to Select Column to End of Data in Excel Method 6 – Enti...
If your data is formatted as a table (Insert → Table), clicking the downward-pointing arrow next to a column header will select the data in that column, excluding the header. Navigate to the "Home" tab on the Excel Ribbon. In the "Editing" group, select "Find & Select" and then ch...
Select Entire Column Select Adjacent Cells Select Non-Adjacent Cells Select Non-Adjacent Ranges Select Multiple Rows or Columns Select Non-Adjacent Rows or Columns Select All Cells in a Table Select All Cells in the Workbook Select Cells With Name Box Select Multiple Cells in Google Sheets Select...
To select non-adjacent cells, hold downCtrland select the cells. To select all cells, pressCtrl+A. Select row number or column letter to select the whole row or column. To select only visible cells, press Alt+; (semi-colon). For more info, seeSelect specific cells or ranges. ...
Press CTRL+A. NoteIf the worksheet contains data, and the active cell is above or to the right of the data, pressing CTRL+A selects the current region. Pressing CTRL+A a second time selects the entire worksheet. TipIf you want to select all cells in the active range, press CTRL+SHIF...
Hello, I am wanting a script to select all the cells which are in a column with a header labeled Part #, in unrelated tables in one document. TOPICS How to , Scripting Views 155 Translate Translate Report Report Reply Sorry, unable to complete the action you requested. ...
Select all cells in the table:Tap a cell, tap Select Cells, then tap Select All. When you finish selecting, tap Done. Edit a cell’s contents:Double-tap a cell. Select a single row or column:Tap the number or letter for the row or column. ...
To select non-adjacent rows or columns, hold Ctrl and select the row or column numbers. Select table, list or worksheet To select a list or table, select a cell in the list or table and press Ctrl + A. To select the entire worksheet, click theSelect Allbutton at the top left c...